:mdrmdr: Don’t forget the wall to wall carpeting of Persian rugs since Lot was also from UR. 😉 Surely though they moved uptown to city man cave mansions with a front wooden door and padlocks since Mrs. Lot needed a walk-in closet just for her sandal collection. :yes: I’m sure they had a wine cellar too. A mega barn was probably built to house all their cattle ... or did they wing it like Noah and kept their cattle indoors with them ... living the good life ... can you picture it ... cows, goats and hens living in their kitchen giving them fresh milk and eggs daily ... no need for a refrigerator at all ... B-) Always, forgiven dear brother. You did not offend me, just saying! 😉 our time is too short for that... wanted to give credit to who it belongs and that wasn’t me. :wacko: :prayer-hands: Indeed Lot and his family is a picture of lukewarm Christians, acknowledging God and having spiritual bloodlines in the family. Yet enamored and entrenched with the things of this world, like many Christians of today! And even though they might even give intellectual ascent to a Rapture, it is not something they "long" for! Longing for the Rapture will afford some a crown. But even so, many still have dedicated their hearts to the Lord albeit not the Rapture. I see this in Lot and his family as well. "The more mature believer chooses to bless the Lord, while many immature believers still chase after only the blessings of the Lord"! I'm stuck in the middle somewhere. Even so, whenever the Lord gives us information and a snap shot into peoples lives, it's for the purpose of our growth. TR What are your thoughts about luke warm Christians that don’t believe in the pre-trib rapture and make fun of those who do? I told a relative this weekend that they are fulfilling II Peter 3:3-4 “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” And will probably miss out on the crown of righteousness ... 2 Timothy 4:8 “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” His reply back was I’m not fulfilling Hebrews 10:25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” I’ve told him there are no good churches in my rural area ... all Laodicean ones- The only sound church is now a 4 hr drive round trip in Massachusetts since I moved further north - and they don’t preach on the rapture. The local ones are all Laodicean with them accepting gay lifestyle and not preaching from the Bible and Jesus is standing outside their doors ... why would I want to fellowship there - just to say I attended “church”? I informed him church is not just meeting in a building ... it can be gathering at a person’s home or fellowshipping on a Christian forum board or through emails/phone calls - Jesus said in Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” I get my messages from viewing sermons on youtubes, or Christian radio or reading the on-line written devotions and I’m still praying for those who have prayer requests. But I was rebuked that what I was doing is not good enough. He also claims just because he doesn’t believe in the pre-trib view he claims he is still going to receive the crown of righteousness. Is that really so, if people are post-tribbers? Gathering together for church/fellowship is a subjective thing. Small groups, on line study, and now websites can all fit the bill. And as you say it only takes two with a heart towards God to constitute have church! I also like to point out that in that one injunction of scripture was given not as a mandate of law but rather a last minute reminder. More like an "oh, by the way" moment. We are never commanded to attend formal services on a weekly or bi weekly basis. This is left up to the individual believer. There are many perks or advantages to regular church attendance again it is not a commandment. Sitting under a "pastor/teacher" physically is a model of the roman nature. Ideally, it is the Holy Spirit which teaches us and accommodates individual fellowship with the Lord! For when a church is not Christ centered or connected then it's just a social club! The point to church is that humble ourselves as sheep before our Shepherd. And that is mostly done in our prayer closets! IMHO! Though there are perks and advantages as stated, there are indeed more inbuilt dangers. Organized religion is not a guarantee of ever increasing spiritual life. And if a shepherd doesn't feed his sheep then the sheep will go elsewhere for nourishment!!! For this was the command given to Peter, "feed my sheep"! No more than being married guarantee's a glorious marriage! TR Finally took the time to view the video. It is fascinating!! Thank you, Yohanan! There have been some other videos on Sodom & Gomorrah, but this is the first one I saw that showed so much of the area. Multiple pauses in the video were required to just try to take it all in; seeing the formations of buildings of this infamous area and understanding their demise. The citizens of Pompeii and Herculaneum apparently indulged in similar life styles and met a similar fate, although via a volcano. Another interesting tidbit in the video is that Josephus documented that the city could be seen clearly during his time. Never heard that before.
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