Should we take the ...
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Should we take the vaccination ?

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Geri7, That's been the $64,000 question that's been on my mind since I first started hearing about red lists, blue lists, martial law, round ups, FEMA camps and all that stuff since around 2005.

For the most part I have thought that we would be out of here before all of that stuff happens. I thought that maybe all of that stuff was getting set up for the AC to use during the tribulation.

I'm kind of surprised that we are still here and witnessing this whole Covid thing. And same with this huge economic crash that people have been predicting for years.

I still think there is a better than 50% chance that we will be out of here soon but that window is closing fast.

I've been listening to interviews that I want to post soon. If we are still here by October we just may have to suffer and die like Jesus did for us.


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Have God's Children not been brutalized though out history? Just because we have had it so good in America, it has still been going on around the world.

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I'm starting to wonder with all the "canceling" of our nation's history & systems and the restrictions on the freedom of her law-abiding citizens, if the "we who are alive and remain" may be a hint at the severity of persecution to come for the Church before the Rapture...the word "remnant" isn't used in this verse, but when I look at definitions of "remnant" and know it's use in the Bible, it does refer to the group of people "who are alive and remain" after a catastrophic event of some sort...

makes me wonder if that's why there is a rapture - a snatching away out of harms way- because otherwise there would not be any of us left alive on Earth before the Trib ( which He clearly doesn't allow- and maybe because it shows HIS control, not evil man's)

I think He's been working on us all to prepare us who are listening to trust and just take one step at a occupy and not be willing and rely on HIS ability to live through us by His Spirit to be who He desires us to be (like His Son) and to do/go through anything He asks of us

By the power of His grace, we are able to face anything with His wisdom, courage, and peace....We've got to let go of sin, and listen to His guidance in all things- prepare if He says to in ways He says to, do whatever work He says to- say what He says to, to who He says and when He says...etc

...most of all trust in His goodness and love and keep your hope in HIM alone with a constant awareness of His loving presence within you!  Stay yoked to Jesus, and do not give into panic or hopelessness...we have such blessings in store for us for all of Eternity!

God please help us!  We desperately need You every moment!

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I misread the thread title this morning.  It read, "Should we take the vacation ?"  That was a no-brainer.  Come take us, Jesus!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Ya just gotta get the cin out of the vaccination.  We'll escape, cleansed from cin.

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Good one Dan!  TR

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Dan, I read it twice in my sped read way and did the same thing, thought it was “Should we take a vacation “ —- each time I look at this thread, I have to remind my brain “no not vaca, vaccine” :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Well if we don't take the vaccination then I guess they are going to make us take a vacation instead in one of their cozy little FEMA camps they have set up for us.  YAY !

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:mdrmdr:   Oh, I’m soooo glad I’m not the only one misreading this thread title ... Every time it gets updated ... my eyes are reading “should be take the vacation?!” LOL  And my first response is to reply YES!   Then I’m like ... oh wait ... NO, this about the vaccination. B-)

The scary thing is this isn’t even a math word problem ... I seriously thought something was wrong with my brain ... but so glad I’m in good company with you all who keep misreading the title too.  Hee hee

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Tou know what they say.  No brains, no headaches!  And I haven't had a headache for years!


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Here's a little video showing that they lie and just give people what they want to give them.



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