Rapture TIming
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Rapture TIming

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I'm still in the belief camp that the Trib will start this Sept. The Rapture very well could happen then too, but then there wouldnt be any gap before the ac shows up on scene. If the rapture happens in Sept then no one will even notice the ac til the dust settles. (my opinion).

I strongly feel it will happen on Pentacost this year. I'd love for the rapture to happen this weekend on Israels bday, but I dont think it will personally. However, if its this weekend or Pentacost.... either way still gives a few months for the dust to settle and the ac to come on scene and calm the world.

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Forgot to say: Something I've pondered for a while. The Bible does not say we cant/wont figure out the start of the trib. And maybe its just me, but I've only seen all this stuff coming out about this Sept being THE Sept or else we have another 7 years, only recently. This has been getting revealed a lot as of late, which really makes me (personally) borderline dogmatic that this is it. We cant know the day of the rapture but we can know pretty much where the day is possibly going to fit best. But now we can, I believe, figure out the start date of the trib. with all the studies coming out about it.


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I think along the same lines, taureauchien. When I first started to watch avidely, around 2011, there were many wild guesses out in the watcher circles. What has changed since? I think there is more convergence of prophetic events and more consensus among watchers that we are very close. I still believe that watchers will collectively now when our Saviour is about to snatch us out of here. I don't think that only a few will be made aware of the timing, but all who watch will know our time is up. This year looks promising, whether Pentecost or Feast of Trumpets, but I am still waiting for His prompting.

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Ok, this video by Steve Fletcher is pretty awesome with tying Pentecost as vital date of when Israel was reborn as a nation, and this years Pentecost, to include in 1967, Jerusalem was retaken in the six day war on June 7th, which started on June 5th and June 6th (which was the bulk of the war), ending on the 10th.

Also, there is an intriguing explanation why we may be at this conjunction of dates, of Israel's rebirth, which via the Torah Calendar is Pentecost, receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, etc., all within this 74th year.

Luke 13:6-9 KJV
He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it: and if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.

I'm not sure if this parable has to do with the rapture, but if it does, what fruit would this tree need to bear, in order to not be cut down? Does this apply?

Would it make sense if the restrainer is removed on Pentecost, which I feel is the Holy Spirit, on the same Feast it was gifted?

I saw a comment on this video as well that asked, "When Jesus died, when was Pentecost?" I am curious as well, and maybe one of you smart people here can figure that out. That's beyond my knowledge Smile

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Whether we are still here or not, it would sure make a good pattern for Israel to gain control of the Temple Mount this year at Pentecost. Maybe the rest of this month will be hot with the attempt to divide Jerusalem and God saying He is not having it!

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