Rapture TIming
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Rapture TIming

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The video that Jozefina posted above was in moderation until it could be listened to by the mods because at first glance it looks like it breaks posting rule #5 but that is not the case. It is a very compelling video and worth a watch. I know it's long (1hr 15min) but well worth a listen.

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Rapture likely to be a Pentecostal event on a Shemitah year (the 7th year).  If Sept 26, 2022 is the beginning of a new 7-year cycle, then it would likely fit for Daniel's 70th week of years, which is built on a 7-year sabbatical cycle (70 x 7). The Fall festivals are about the Second Advent of Christ.  Why a Pentecostal resurrection/rapture?  Because Pentecost is an unknown feast day. It requires a calculation and counting.  It will likely be on a Sunday in Jerusalem.  Why Pentecost?  Because we follow the prophetic patterns.  They are shadows of things to come. (Colossians 2:16-17) Jesus was raised at First Fruits represented by the "wave sheaf offering" (Leviticus 23:10-11)  The Church will be raised at the feast of Shavuot (Pentecost) represented by the "two loaf wave Offering". (Leviticus 23:15-17).  One loaf will represent the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the other loaf the catching out of the living in Christ. (1Thess.4:17; 1Cor.15:52)  When is Pentecost 2022? It is likely not June 5, 2022.  Count the Omer from: "And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete:"  In 2022, find the Sabbath following First  Fruits.  First Fruits was April 17 so you start your count from the "morrow" after the next Sabbath.  The next Sabbath was Fri/Sat April 22/23.  Start from this date.  Your 50-day count will land you on Sat/Sun June 11/12, 2022.  That is the strict Levitical reckoning for 2022.  With that being said, we still do not know the "day and the hour".  We simply know the season for 2022.  This all rests on the presumption that the Shauvot feast symbolism, the correct sabbatical year count and the Fig Tree prophecies of Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13.   He is close...even at the door.  Keep on keeping on. We are to preach Christ crucified, but we may watch for Jewish signs of Daniel's 70th Week.

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Brenda Weltner has a similar video as I published here on you tube.

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I was intrigued … because scholars claim … that Enoch was born on Pentecost?  And him being a type of the church (got raptured out before the judgment on the world … “the flood”) and scholars also claim the date of he was raptured out … happened on Pentecost?   And since he lived 365 … I think that might be a hint to be using the Gregorian calendar as we try to calculate the rapture timeframe? :mail:


Genesis 5:21-24

Enoch lived 65 years, and begot Methuselah. [22] After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years, and had sons and daughters. [23] So, all the days of Enoch were 365 years. [24] And, Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him."


So looking up for Pentecost or will it be Ascension Day or Feast of Trumpets? B-)

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I've wondered lately why Ascension Day doesn't seem to provoke as much speculation as the others -- just because it's not one of God's special appointment days?  Obviously significant, though.  My dark horse is Tabernacles, but no one will want to hear that until we get closer.  I read something once that gave another explanation to Trumpets and Atonement that made me go hmmmm....

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Ascension Day works for me and seems appropriate for obvious reasons. I do not understand why a Jewish Feast day is somehow significant for the Bride of Christ since we are not Jewish. For me I hold to the "Any day works for me" theory :yes:

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Indeed by far the Church is mostly gentile!

Let the Jewish calendar speak to Jews, and the Christian calendar speak to Christians!


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I'll go on a limb and speculate due to dual fulfillment so far (Moses and Jesus), these are God's special dates for all His people.  Whether the Rapture follows suit, I guess we'll just have to wait and see!  Any day now...

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I think where the Jewish feast days, hold a little more weight perhaps is because of the misunderstanding that they are not actually “Jewish” days.  They were certainly given to Israel, yes, but it is a misunderstanding to believe that this is purely a “Jewish” calendar.  Leviticus 23, the origin of these days, clearly calls them “The Feasts of the Lord”. Not the Feasts of the Jews, nor the Feasts of Israel.

They are God’s feasts.  His special appointed days that He ordained for Himself and revealed for Israel.  It seems that He has a proclivity for doing special things on these days since we saw many big time events like the crucifixion, the Resurrection and the giving of the Holy Spirit on these days in the first advent.

No wonder since in the Hebrew, the term means “appointed times”

I once had a conversation with Messianic Jew, Sid Roth, who can admittedly be a bit controversial, and I will admit I do not hold to all of his beliefs, but he said something once that made a lot of sense.

Regarding Christians keeping the feasts or not, here is what he said to me:

”These feasts are God’s appointed times, you are free to keep them or not to show up and keep them, you are free to do that.  But suppose your doctor made an appointment with you - you are free not to show up for that right?  But if your doctor makes an appointment with you, it would be pretty silly if you didn’t show up for it.  These are just days when God has promised He would show up for them, now if you don’t want to keep them that’s fine, but it’s pretty silly when God promised He would show up.”  I thought that was an interesting take.

While I think the rapture could be any day, I think this is the fascination behind the feast days - God does seem to like to show up on these feast days, and they are not for just the Jew - we get that misconception because they come from the Old Testament / Old Covenant / Torah but it is one book - and as already mentioned, clearly they are His feasts, revealed to Israel, but if they were just for Israel exclusively I ask myself why was the church born on Pentecost?

Shall we say, it was ok for God to use that Feast back then because the church was predominantly Jewish, but now that it is predominantly Gentile he will no longer use His appointed times?  I cannot say for sure one way or the other.

Again my position is that any day that ends with “Y” is a good day for the rapture, but I will admit, I am always on a little higher alert on the “appointed times/feasts” because I know God has used them in the past.  I feel pretty confident that He will return to using these appointed times for the Second Advent/Coming but the real wild card is one of these appointed feasts also appointed for the rapture?

Awwww c’mon Abba, please let us have just a little peeky peeky in your appointment book? Pretty please?

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Point well made brother!

It truly pleases His heart to see us so anxious to be in His presence!

Pethaphs our hearts cries can have some sway!  Hoping so as well!


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