The two biggest clues for the timing of the Rapture as given by scripture is firstly a spring time event! Secondly, when Summer is near! All things considered, Pentacost looms large! Israel is indeed 73yrs old, a Jewish messiah has been crowned, rumors of wars increase, and UFO's will be acknowledged introducing demons! Again messiah being crowned is likened to the golden calf, IMHO! We like moses are on the mountain top waiting upon the Lord and just prior entering into a new covenant with the Lord Jewish priests choose their own God! TR Lo and behold, Pentacost cometh! The birth of the church and inpartation and possibly exportation of the Holy Spirit! TR As like no other Feast, first to the Jew then to the Gentile! TR Yes, I’m leaning more now that the rapture will probably happen sometime in the spring and we can’t forget Ascension Day. Its coming around the corner. :whistle: I’m also wondering what’s with the delay in announcing the Saudi signing the Abraham Accords ... we know they are all on-board. Then I wonder ... perhaps ... they are putting it off until Prince Mohammed bin Salman gets the custodial rights to the Temple Mount from King Abdullah of Jordan and the day of the announcement of the peace accords ... he gives permission to Israel to start building and that is the spark that sets in motion the G/M war? :unsure: Report: Israel, Saudis Negotiating Control of Temple Mount ... JERUSALEM, Israel - Israel and Saudi Arabia have been conducting secret negotiations since December about allowing Saudi officials to join the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf responsible for controlling the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Israel Hayom reported ... - Fair Use - When is Ascencion Day?! TR Depends on calendar May 13, ?, or June 10. IIRC. LOL Super big watch days.....April 29/30, May 2- these would be if calendar is a month the third day after Nisan 15 and also the first day of the week past it....and then if the calendar is still current May 13/14 for Ascension day....then Pentecost May 23/24th....then back again to June if calendar is off June 6th or 10th, then June 20th would be the delayed Pentecost day.....closing in!! Exciting yet hopeful times! TR Be encouraged one and all! The Lord has not forgotten his promise of redemption. Rather He has chosen the perfect time and way to bless His bride! TR I like Ascension Day. The angels in Acts 1:11 said “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” Perhaps they were speaking of His coming in the same "way" as also being at the same time, just 10 days before Pentecost. We're getting close to finding out.
The traditional date of Pentecost is May 23rd and if that is day 50 then day 40 would be May 13th.
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