Rapture Experience,...
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Rapture Experience, Not a Dream

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Patricia N.
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From Rainy Sepulveda on our sister site on Facebook:

I am sharing this to encourage people. It happened to me when I was 21 going on 22 in my apartment in NYC during my sleep. It was not a dream.
Please know that I was not yet Born again, never heard about “salvation”, “being saved”, or the need to be saved.
In fact, I was greatly influenced by my Swedish sister in law who was a secular humanist at the time.
The only “religious” teaching I had was from Roman Catholic Catechism, which taught me nothing about Salvation. I do not think I ever heard the Gospel in my life at the time this happened to me. I say this to express to you this was entirely from Our Lord.
Never having had a Bible in my life, and never really knowing or hearing the Gospel, this night I was taken to an event, which is yet to come, that is clearly defined in Scripture.
What Happened:
Suddenly in my sleep, I heard what sounded like a thunder clap.
It was loud and startling.
I was bolted into attention and Immediately, thereafter, I heard the sound of a trumpet (not a shofar sound but a metal trumpet sound) as if to announce an event or a Person.
The next thing that happened was that I saw multitudes of people running in one direction. And, although I did not see the danger, I knew there was a great catastrophic event of some kind happening, or about to happen, that this multitude of people were running from.
To my surprise, I was not running with them. Instead, I found myself somewhere in the midst of them. I believe I was in a rather low position in the midst of them but I was not being trampled by the stampede!
Then I looked up.
When I looked up, I saw Jesus Christ!
He filled the entire sky from one end to the other.
In fact, it was like He “replaced” the sky, as He filled it completely.
I saw Him from his breast up.
His robe was blood red.
His face was altogether beautiful.
His hair was dark, long and silky black, very different from the portrayals of him.
His beard also was silky black and,I believe his beard was somehow parted in the middle.
His eyes were almond-shaped and very dark. They were beautiful, they seemed to be filled with joy and satisfaction. He was powerful and, somehow I instantly knew He was a King with All Power and All Authority. (At this time, I did not know it was Jesus because I was not saved, never heard the Gospel and only knew Jesus as being on a crucifix, or as a baby in a stable. The only reference I had to Jesus was from a slight Roman Catholic background consisting of weekly elementary school catechism, of which I understood nothing except how to rotely answer questions. I had no idea about Who Jesus truly Was or the need to be saved and born again).
His facial countenance seemed to convey “HERE I AM!” He was joyous and seemed to express great Joy and at the same time All Power and All Authority.
His skin was olive. He was beautiful and Perfect.
His eyebrows were shaped beautifully and dark.
His skin was olive.
He was definitely All Powerful and yet Gentle and I was not afraid.
In His Mouth, (yet not in His mouth), i cannot explain this,
was a curved Jewel Encrusted Sword.
I remember the jewels as being emerald, ruby and sapphire.
The sword was not threatening.
It was in His mouth yet not in His mouth. I cannot explain this.
I knew, although at that time i didn't know Who He was, that He was a King and a King with All Authority.
I just knew that.
He was altogether beautiful and He filled the Entire sky.
Not a patch of Sky was seen only this Image of Jesus Christ our
Lord and Savior and King.
Suddenly, I realized that i was rising up from the midst of the frantic running multitude.
I was rising up to Him, The King.
I said aloud, with great relief. *I Am Being Saved!* even though I had absolutely no idea about salvation at the time this happened to me.
While I was rising up to meet him, (and it was gentle and wonderful lifting up) other people were rising up too. I looked to my left and saw others rising and it seemed ever so gently.
With that, I sat up.
The next weeks i could not stop talking about The King who I saw, and described it as *seeing the end of the world*.
This is how i described it. “I saw the end of the world, masses of people running, and a middle eastern King, in the sky, filling the sky, who was All Powerful and All Authority.”
I could not stop talking about it, to the Point my roommate suggested a “psychiatrist”. It was a huge experience with tremendous impact. And I was in Awe and could not stop talking about it. Gradually I stopped talking about it, having no idea as to exactly what I witnessed.
IT WAS NOT UNTIL ABOUT seven or eight years later that I understood this was Jesus Christ, The Messiah, The Savior of The World, and what I saw was clearly described in Scripture as The Rapture.
When I read, in the Bible, that His coming would be like the lightning “from the East to the West”, I remembered the sound of the thunderclap (which was likely the shout of the archangel), and how He filled the Entire Sky. I could not understand how this King filled the sky and that there was no sky only Him when I looked up. And His Image was so huge. How could I see it in total? A mystery.
When I read that Jesus would one day wear red robes dipped in the blood of the Martyrs, i recalled His robe being blood red.
When I read that He would come at the sound of the Trumpet, I recalled the trumpet that had sounded right after the thunderclap (which now I believe was the shout of the archangel as told to us in The Scripture).
When I read in the Bible that Jesus will come with a Double edged sword in His Mouth, I remembered the curved, jewel encrested sword that was in His mouth yet not in His mouth.
When I read that the dead in Christ will rise first to meet Him in the air, and those who remain and are alive will meet Him in the air, ever to be with the Lord, I remembered my rising began at a low level in the midst of the multitude and wondered was I rising from the grave? Or, was I alive at the time I was being lifted? Honestly, I do not know.
When i think of His Countenance and how it spoke to me of great joy, great satisfaction and great announcement of “Here I Am”, I realized that, for some reason, Jesus brought me to this place in time, and allowed me to experience this enormous event.
I believe sharing this event is right and proper at this time.
I do not and have not share it often, but I have shared it.
I do not share it in any way, shape or form to bring attention to myself. I share it to magnify the Lord and His Word.
We are saved by The Gospel of Jesus Christ, His dying for sinners, His Resurrection from The Dead on the Third Day and His Coming Again. But, because this experience is Scriptural, I share it in hopes it will lead you to the Gospel and give others who are saved joy.
It took me seven or eight years to get saved after this experienced. And then, I finally my got a Bible. You can imagine how I felt when I read about these things I experienced in The Word of God.
I began to grow in the Lord, and was able to attend a Discipleship School at Calvary Fellowship, Seattle.
Because this experience was given to me, from the Lord, I feel I must share it now.
Clearly, we are living in a time when prophecy is coming to pass at great speed.
The things we have read in the Bible, and have heard from Bible “End Time Scholars’ ” writings and teachings are “fleshing out” before our very eyes at high speed.
Many of us, in the Body of Christ, are absolutely amazed that we are living in these days wherein prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. What we once discussed as events that might most likely would not happen in our lifetime, is now happening before our very eyes.
I share this with you today again, in the belief that it will reach just who it is set out to reach. For my brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray it will encourage and confirm the Rapture of the Church for you beloveds of God.
I hope and pray that it will lead others to believe the Gospel so as to be saved so that you too can escape “the wrath that is to come”.

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Sounds like she saw both the rapture and 2nd coming.  I think the blood red robe and the sword is at the 2nd coming event as well as every eye will see Him.  At the rapture I think Jesus is wearing a white robe and wonder if every eye will see Him or only the saved being raptured and perhaps the future saved believers (tribulation saints) will also see Him as well? :unsure:

I recall my grandmother telling me she had a hard time giving birth to my mom.  She actually died for a few moments.  They should have done a C-section but it wasn’t popular to do in those days.  She was in her 20’s and wasn’t saved but she claimed she saw Jesus and the doctor said we lost you for a few minutes.  She got saved about 40 years later.

I think of this verse ...the Lord knows who are His before the foundation of the world ...

Ephesians 1:4
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

And His name is stamped in our foreheads ..

Revelation 14:1

And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.” 

Revelation 22:4
And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.

Whereas the devil is a copycat so he will put not his name but a number in his followers foreheads that worship the beast.

I think this is why when we witness to people some times we get demonic attacked because the demons see the name of God in the foreheads of those individuals we are talking to.  And other times we don’t get attacked so perhaps in those cases they don’t have the mark of God? :unsure:
