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Patricia N.
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The UpTime Gang: We CALL on the Name of JESUS!

[Just over 2 hours]


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New video from Brother Dana.  End of year Julian calendar, full moon, etc.  January 13th looks very possible. 

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January 6th was the man who died from bird flu.  This could be a 7 day warning to January 13th.  Also, the fires in LA are not normal.  These are super fires.  2 very strange incidents.

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Interesting correlation.

Some have stated that Hitler was an antichrist or was filled with the spirit of the antichrist.

Hitler's Mein Kampf was first published in 1925.  It Included Hitler's ambitions for a New World Order and later became a part of the Nazi propaganda effort to justify the annihilation of the Jews.

Sounds familiar?

THE antichrist will usher in a new world order and will use his covenant with many to justify annihilation if the Jews.

Also, the Nazi party became the largest political party by July 1932.

100 years from 1925 to 2025.

100 years from 1932 to 2032.

Perfect number 10 x 10.

Some writings list a generation as 100 years.

Coincidence or has God set start and end dates for the final spirit of the antichrist.

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Largest political party in Germany.


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We know what Satan has done to people, God has shown us what he does, but we have hope thru Jesus. God shows us to trust Him in life thru His word and what Jesus did for us. Always show others you love them and share Jesus love, as many are needing to know, does Jesus love them.  There is nothing in this earth that means anything but to know God can help them to keep going and keep putting all their problems and lives in His hands, as we wait for Jesus return.                                         

Patricia N.
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The UpTime Gang: Get UP & WALK!

[Over two hours]

Patricia N.
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Five Doves, Donna Danna (12 Jan 2025)

A Christian 'prophet' who predicted the assassination attempt on Donald Trump three months prior to his near-miss in Pennsylvania has an alarming new prediction.

Brandon Dale Biggs, an Oklahoma pastor, claims God showed him another vision that would rock the heart of America this spring.

He said he saw a '10-magnitude' earthquake hit the New Madrid fault line, which stretches through Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois.

He explained the major earthquake that hits New Madrid would create a 'chain reaction,' causing 'a 6.5 [magnitude] aftershock that impact Texarkana, Texas to Oklahoma.

'It was so big, there were 1,800 people who died [along that stretch],' Biggs said in the video. All the houses on cinder blocks were completely shaken to the foundation, they just fell.'

He claimed the Lord told him that the New Madrid earthquake would hit three days after 'they try to divide Jerusalem with the two-state solution,' which is a proposed approach to resolving the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in the Middle East.

Briggs' visions suggested that the earthquake would happen in the spring as he saw 'Sycamore leaves on the trees...trying to come out.. like they were fresh.' 

Biggs shared his eerie prediction in a video posted posted April 2024 — three months before the Trump assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania rally on July 13.

In that same video, in which he was interviewed by Christian author Steve Cioccolanti, Biggs revealed how he foresaw the attempt on the now president-elect's life.

'This bullet flew by his ear, and it came so close to his head that it busted his eardrum,' he said

Three months later, Matthew Crooks, 20, took several shots at Trump, with one grazing his ear. But the bullet did not burst his eardrum.

Also during the segment, Biggs said he saw red waves in Michigan and Oklahoma during the 2024 Election, which went on to happen in both states.

Now that those predictions have come and passed, portions of the video showing Biggs discussing the major earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) have resurfaced.

'[The] New Madrid earthquake [is] so big [and] when it happens the Mississippi River starts it goes out another direction,' he said.

In 1811 and 1812, the fault line unleashed a trio of powerful jolts - measuring magnitudes 7.5 to 7.7 - that rattled the central Mississippi River Valley.  Chimneys fell and boats capsized. Farmland sank and turned into swamps. The death toll is unknown, but experts don't believe there were mass casualties because the region was sparsely populated then. 

Were that to happen today, more than 5,000 people would be killed, but the pastor's '10 magnitude' would possibly see a death toll ranging in the hundreds of thousands to millions, according to experts. 

Experts have also said that there is a 'virtually zero' likelihood of such a major earthquake. 

The strongest earthquake ever recorded was the 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile (magnitude 9.5), which occurred in a subduction zone.  

'The Lord told me that when they try to divide Jerusalem with the two-state solution... you will see a three-day window,' said the pastor. 'That [is] the time for people to flee.'

It was so bad, I remember it lasted for months,' said Briggs.

While the prediction was made last year, the pastor shared another vision in October that appeared to also come true. 

'I just seen a glimpse of Vegas,' he said in the video with his eyes closed.

'Oh, these are are these all on the same day. I pray over Las Vegas.

'It is interesting, I now just seen a glimpse of New Orleans Bourbon Street, it it is an attack simultaneously.


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@patrician Oh dear.

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With the help of many watchman videos, the following is why I like January 22,2025 for a possible Rapture

1.  The Coronation of King Charles to Jan 22 is 627 days, Reverse=726=Harpazo

2. The pregnant woman sign(9/23/2017) to Jan 22/23 is 88 months.  At the beginning of "Back to the Future", Doc tells Marti(MJ Fox), "when this baby hits 88 MPH, you are going to see some serious sh**". License plate says "OUTATIME", MJ Fox says "Jesus Christ". Key word- Baby.  Rev. 12, the baby is born and snatched up to God and to His Throne.  Possible predictive programming.

3. The longest partial lunar eclipse (11/19/2021) since the 1400's is 1160 days to Jan 22.  1160=40x29.  40 means a waiting period and 29 means departure.  

4. Grand Cross Lineup (8/18/1999) is 9289 days to Jan. 22.  A 28 surrounded by 9's.  9+2+8+9=28.  99 is a number meaning Rapture.  There are 28 writers in the Old Testament.  "The Lamb" appears 28 times in Scriptures.  The word, "Hallelujah" appears 28 times in the Bible.  




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Paul R
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@davedave I'm not a big fan of these number associations, however 1/22 in the Hebrew alphabet is Alef/Tav... or the first and the last... the beginning and the the end (the Alpha and the Omega). Come Lord Jesus!

Patricia N.
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Five Doves, Donna Danna (19 Jan 2025)
"Brandon Biggs- The Lord Showed Me Why All These Fires Are Happening & What's Coming Next"

[49 minutes]

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