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Patricia N.
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The UpTime Gang: The War that Leads to the Antichrist:

[Two hours 13 minutes]

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(@Anonymous 394)
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@patrician I’ve also had a dream about  a glimmering sphere outside my bedroom window and sensing it is the Rapture. That was several years ago.

(@Anonymous 394)
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This is the first I’ve ever heard of anyone else having such a dream. I haven’t had that dream since. 

Patricia N.
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Five Doves, Muir Taylor (20 Oct 2024)
"Halloween Rapture Oct 31"

He will come on a day you least expect Him. Of all the days of the year, which one would you least expect Jesus? Exactly Halloween – check out this video below.
Notice this comment posted under this video – very interesting read!
2018 - October two weeks before Halloween my husband was pumping  gas at Heb foods in San Marcos Tx. He stumbled back to the truck and almost passed out and he said Jennifer I don’t know what just happened.  I’m nauseous  and I feel like I’m going to pass out. I said what happened what’s wrong - he said I was just pumping gas and all of a sudden you and I were in a spaceship with Jesus Christ and other people and outside the ship people were in Halloween costumes shooting and throwing rocks at us.
Some were knocking at the door saying let me in let me in. He heard someone say don’t shoot at it or they won’t let us in. He turned to me and said See I Told You that The Rapture Would happen On Halloween. He said it seemed it was really happening at that moment. He never in his life had any experience like that. My husband was a minister of the Lord God Of Hosts and Jesus Christ for over 60 yrs.
Zephaniah Ch 1:7 Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God: for the day of the Lord is at hand: for the Lord hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests. And it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord's sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king's children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel. In the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold, which fill their master’s houses with violence and deceit. And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and a howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills.
I'm just putting it as a reminder Pastor Dana Coverstone shared a dream about the month of October and how the hand underlined the 2 weeks and then tapped on October 31, and he said he saw a Rock fall and hit and cause ripples. He said exactly, “It then pointed to October 31 and held the position. There was a prominent tap and hold on that day.”

Patricia N.
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Five Doves, Muir Taylor (20 Oct 2024)
"As In The Days Of Noah"

I recently ran across a book that tied the date for Halloween, October 31, with the start of Noah’s flood. Following the dispersion of mankind at the tower of Babel (Genesis 11), almost every ensuing culture has maintained a legend regarding a “Great Flood.” Often, such traditions are also associated with a great “Day of Death,” as well as a “new beginning.”
In the Bible, this story is linked to the salvation of Noah, his family, and the animals of the earth. Interestingly, these traditions are all tied to the fall of the year—specifically, the end of October and the beginning of November. This book, The Great Flood and Halloween by Frank Humphrey, suggests that there is a connection between the flood of Noah’s time and the pagan holiday known today as Halloween....
“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in thesecond month, the seventeenth dayof the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened” (Genesis 7:11). October 14, 2302 BC is the conjunction of the second new moon of fall for 2302 BC, so the following day, October 15, would be Heshvan 1 (the first day of the second month). That would makeTuesday, October 31, 2302 BC, the 17th day of the 2nd month (Heshvan), which is the starting date of the Great Flood. Epochs later, Halloween, the Day of the Dead, would be celebrated on October 31 on the Julian calendar.
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Kimberly's thoughts:

-Fair Use-

I wish Geri was here to jog my memory, but a couple years ago we were talking about Reza Pahlavi and she found a photo of King Charles with him in a carraige.  They are long time friends. Here it is:

Holly Dagres on X: "Once upon a time… Then Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi of  Iran in a carriage in London alongside King Charles III of the UK (then  Prince of Wales) sitting

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Tiffany S
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@blue I didn’t mean the thumbs down - sorry about that - I can’t seem to change it to a thumbs up 🤔😳❤️

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Ezekiel 38, 2 minutes with JD

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@terry yes, like pastor JD said, you should try Arabic and Turkish coffee. It's good!

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(@Anonymous 394)
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Hello brothers and sisters. With the world the way it is, we should be gone already in my estimation. It seems like everything is in place. What are we missing? Only Jesus. The eighth day of Tabernacles seemed perfect. Now people are talking Halloween. Jesus did say that people would still be buying and selling, marrying and giving in marriage, so it cannot get too much worse, can it? Please excuse the rambling, but it seems that all of the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed, and this world has lost most of its allure. It’s hard to plan anything, especially with the unstable environment on all fronts. Seems like 2024 should be the year. Just my thoughts. 

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Yep.  It's Friday in Jerusalem and we're pretty disheartened.  There don't appear to be any moedim left this year.

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Patricia N.
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There's Hanukkah.  Jesus even attended the temple then.

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@patrician Thanks.  I was, of course, hoping to go before the election, and whatever chaos happens around then.

Patricia N.
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Still a couple of weeks to go before that.  It is sure to be a stressful time.

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@terry I know how you feel Terry, it seems like it has to be this fall. However our departure does not have to be on a feast day, even though we all tend to believe that Jesus's return with us will be. Remember when He ascended to Heaven after being with the disciples for 40 days? that day is now known as ascension day but was not anything special before that. There is one interesting bit of possibility but not being dogmatic about it at all. If Tishri was actually October and Cheshvan is November- then the 10th day of Cheshvan is the day Noah went into the Ark, and 7 days later it started to rain. So I am just hoping that one additional aspect of "as in the days of Noah" may also mean we are raptured that day and perhaps Daniel's 70th week starts a week later mirroring when it started to rain. That day happens to be Nov 11th or 11/11, which strangely I have been seeing a lot of but I don't claim any special knowledge for sure. Either way, at least it is another day to look at while we wait on Hanukkah, lol

Paul R
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@terry Remember, Dr Barry only uses the moon for the calendar, and by his reckoning the 8th day of Tabernacles (Shimini Atzeret) is 10-26. That's basically Saturday in Jerusalem.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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With all of these wonderful Bible scholars  that watch with us, it must be near. In years past there weren’t nearly as many as there are now looking for it to happen any minute. 

Rick Jones
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We shouldn't forget that following the Last Trump, the dead in Christ rise first. I don't think anyone knows how long that process will take. The mention of twinkling of an eye may just be the process when our body goes from corruptible to incorruptible. When the centurions saw the light in the tomb, that was Jesus' body transforming as the First Fruit of the Harvest. That was in a twinkling of an eye or immediately. How we get from here to the clouds may take a while. One thing is for certain, once we are in an incorruptible body, it doesn't matter what's going on down here on earth. Maranatha!

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