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Patricia N.
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Chance (10 Mar 2024)  Five Doves
"Similar Eclipse Patterns When Ancient Babylon Fell"

Aaron at God A Minute YouTube channel covers some very interesting information on the old Babylon compared to the new (mystery) Babylon.  He uses information in a slide presentation from an anonymous watcher - who's sharing all of this.  This watcher theorizes that the U.S. is Mystery Babylon.
I know that there have been many thoughts presented on who Mystery Babylon is - I lean towards the U.S. (with NYC or D.C. involved) - others have suggested Mecca, Rome, Jerusalem.....
Aaron presents information that an anonymous watcher has presented to him - who asked "Is the United States Marked for Destruction? - Mystery Babylon Theory".  He goes through what's written in The Revelation about Mystery Babylon.  And he has slides on the 2017 and 2024 eclipses over the U.S. - making a big X over the U.S.

On 10/23/546 BC there was a partial solar eclipse over ancient Babylon - in the constellation Libra.  Libra is a depiction of the scales of justice and Babylon was found guilty.   Aaron found that this was a total solar eclipse.  This total solar eclipse was a 7 year warning to Babylon.  And seven years later Babylon fell.

Aaron showed a slide of a 1,700 mile crack across the U.S. - the Montana to Florida Lineament or Missouri Gravity Low.  This crack intersects the New Madrid Fault Line.  "What's interesting is that these 2 fault lines and the path of the 2 Great American Eclipses that take place on August 21, 2017 and on April 8, 2024 line up on the map.  They are identical 'faults/paths'.  The 2017 eclipse followed the Missouri Gravity Low fault line and the 2024 eclipse will follow the New Madrid fault line.

These two eclipses following these two fault lines is rather sobering.  Mystery Babylon falls in one hour.  Huge earthquakes could destroy much of the U.S. along these fault lines.  And would be felt across the entire U.S. - probably into Mexico and Canada.   The New Madrid earthquakes of 1811/1812 followed two solar eclipses over the U.S. - they were 5 years apart with the second one in 1811 just 90 days before the first New Madrid quake hit.  Several more huge earthquakes followed this one over the next few weeks...there ended up being thousands of quakes in that area.

Similar Eclipse Patterns When Ancient Babylon Fell Rapture Soon - YouTube

run time 56:06  Excellent video by Aaron, imo.
I think that the Aleph and Tav over the U.S. - is very significant.  Jesus said He is the Aleph and Tav - the beginning and end.  Are these eclipses telling us that the end of the U.S. is near?
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Hello everyone. I am grateful for all of the informative posts that many contribute. I don’t have a computer, and this old phone hasn’t been cooperating lately as far as sharing information. I’d go and get a new one, but I think why bother if we are most likely outta here soon.  

Purim and Passover sure look like good candidates for leaving this insane world behind. Hope to see you all very soon. 

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Doves article:

Perhaps the Rapture of the Church will be on Pentecost in 2024, which is the 41st day after the Great American Eclipse of 2024.  Or maybe the rapture will happen on the Feast of Trumpets in 2024.  Both seem to me to be exceptionally important times to be watching.  Or maybe I am completely wrong about both.  We will certainly know very soon.


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9:52 -  14:06  Advertisement

April 8th Eclipse! Big Nothing Burger Day or When God Goes All in?

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11:30 - 15:43 Advertisement

Governments Prepare for the Rapture Resurrection Global Disaster! Bunkers Being Activated! Wink   Yahoo

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Starts @ 2:34 - 16:54 about the Red Heifers



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Short clip from Aaron


💥Babylon Was Marked When Babylon Fell! 👆 Rapture Soon!

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Thanks Geri for posting this video.  Very exciting.  Makes me curious what day was May 31 on the Hebrew calendar in 538 BC?  And what date would that be this year?  If it is April 8, I would be totally blown away.

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I meant to say if it was May 19, traditional Pentecost, I would be blown away.

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Glad you’re encouraged, Dave, by the YouTube updates. 😀
I’m on high alert for this Easter March 31st and April 8th and if still here … then May Pentecost … 

I was kind of down after reading a comment about Amir down playing the red heifers from Texas and claiming Israel just had one born and we need to wait 3 more years. Really??? 🙄😳🤨  But yet … other reports from Kimberly, Lisa WW65, and Terry and Blue posted updates some of the heifers are still Kosher (red).  Blue also informed me they paid $750,000 to buy the cows and to get them to Israel. So why would they go thru all that trouble and expense, if they couldn’t use in the first place?  Doesn’t make sense. 

As far as the timeline … Tammie mentioned CJ Lovik says Daniel’s 70 week is to start in October so … do we have the rapture window narrowed down? Mail  Any day now - until October we need to fly away?  Whistle  
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@hopeland Here's a side by side calendar.  I don't know how to read it.


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11:33 - 16:17  Advertisement

Billionaires Reveal Their Efforts to Prepare for the Rapture Resurrection Event & the Tribulation!

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Patricia N.
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The Great American Eclipse of 2024, Jonah and Nineveh: Connecting the Dots:

There have been two solar eclipses: The first occurred on August 21st, 2017, and the second one will occur on April 8th, 2024.  It appears that these two eclipses mark a giant “X marks the spot” on America. What does this mean? What might the God of Israel be saying to America?

The Bible tells us that God uses the sun, moon, and stars for “signs and seasons.”

In 2017, the eclipse crossed over seven cities named Salem in America – a warning to America concerning Jerusalem.  The second eclipse will cross over seven cities named Nineveh in America.

...we need to turn to the book of Jonah to understand Jonah’s message to ancient Nineveh. 

Jonah was spewed out by the great fish and he washed up on the shore. Then he was obedient to God and he went to Nineveh to proclaim a message of repentance:

And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk. Then he cried out and said, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” Jonah 3:4

Thus, a 40-day countdown began for the people of Nineveh to repent. Nineveh’s guilt was concerning the Assyria’s oppression against the Jewish people, taking them into captivity to Assyria and exiling them from their homeland, Israel.

What was the result of Jonah’s preaching? The ancient city, with up to 1.5 million people, repented!

Solar Eclipse Preceded Jonah’s visit to Nineveh

What’s not mentioned in the book of Jonah but is recorded in Assyria’s historical record and is known to NASA and modern astronomers is that before Jonah’s visit a solar eclipse occurred.

Application: What Does America Need to Repent of?

Joel chapter 3:1-3 prophecies to us when and how the tribulation period will begin. It deals with God’s covenant He made with His people, the children of Israel. The God of Israel tells us clearly and directly WHY He judges the nations in Joel 3:1-2

They have also divided up My land.  Joel 3:1-2

The LORD is warning very clearly and very directly here, NOT to divide Jerusalem…or judgment will result!  Could it be that this second eclipse carries with it the message of repentance to the nations or judgment will occur? 

The Two-State Delusion

Since the October 7th massacre and the ongoing war of Israel against Hamas, the Biden regime has been beating the drum of a “Two-State Solution”, and has sent Anthony Blinken over to Israel on numerous occasions to talk with Israel’s leadership about this. 

Bill Koenig thoroughly documents in his book, “Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel” many occurrences where America received dramatic consequences (in the form of natural disasters) whenever she was involved with dividing the land of Israel. 

In 2003, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon proposed the Israeli disengagement from Gaza. It was approved by the Knesset in February 2005, and implemented in August and September 2005. On August 16, 9,000 Israelis had to leave, or face eviction. On August 22, President George W. Bush said:  “My vision, my hope is that one day we’ll see two states – two democratic states living side by side in peace.”

By August 23 the last residents were removed.  

Two days later, from August 25 – 28, Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc in South Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. On August 29, levees broke in New Orleans, submerging 80% of the city, resulting in 1,836 deaths, and costing $125 billion. 

The Warning Has Been Given

I believe America, as a nation, needs to repent of its role in seeking to divide the land of Israel to make a Palestinian state. Now it is up to us to take time, collectively, as God’s people to repent of this atrocious national sin and ask for God’s forgiveness, His mercy, and His grace. Who knows… perhaps the LORD will change His mind and hold back judgment … if we will only repent.


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