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Patricia N.
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2024 ‘X’ Solar Eclipse: Coincidence Or Final Warning?

What’s likely to become the biggest travel event during 2024 in America? Some might think it would be the Super Bowl or another sporting event such as the Indianapolis 500. However, according to the Washington Post, it will be the solar eclipse that will cross the U.S. on April 8, 2024.

This eclipse sparks added interest among prophecy watchers because of its relationship to another darkening of the sun that occurred on August 21, 2017. The two eclipses, seven years apart, will form an X on America intersecting at Little Egypt, a small town in southern Illinois.

Is this just a coincidence, or is it the Lord’s way of alerting America that judgment is on the way?

The Coincidence

The pattern of two solar eclipses forming an X over the U.S. also happened in the early 1800’s. Remarkably, the intersection of this century’s solar eclipses will be about one hundred miles from where those of the nineteenth century crossed paths.

The first solar eclipse occurred on June 16, 1806, with the second completing the X on September 17, 1811. The intersection happened over the New Madrid fault area, which includes an area from Cairo in southern Illinois to nearby New Madrid, MO.

On December 16, 1811, just three months after the second solar eclipse, a series of devastating earthquakes struck along the New Madrid fault line. The following quote comes from New Madrid, MO, website:

The New Madrid earthquakes were the biggest earthquakes in American history. They occurred in the central Mississippi Valley, but were felt as far away as New York City, Boston, Montreal, and Washington D.C. President James Madison and his wife Dolly felt them in the White House. Church bells rang in Boston. From December 16, 1811, through March of 1812 there were over 2,000 earthquakes in the central Midwest, and between 6,000-10,000 earthquakes in the Bootheel of Missouri where New Madrid is located near the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.

In the known history of the world, no other earthquakes have lasted so long or produced so much evidence of damage as the New Madrid earthquakes. 

Final Warning?

I believe this year’s solar eclipse, which will complete an X over the U.S., signifies the nearness of God’s judgment even if it’s not His last warning. I say this for a couple of reasons.

First, we live during a time of unprecedented moral decay in the U.S. that has corrupted the majority of politicians in our government. Despite the reversal of Roe versus Wade, the shedding of innocent blood continues and now exceeds a total of sixty-two million babies murdered in the womb since 1973. Both sex trafficking and pedophilia continue unabated in the U.S. with the Biden administration unashamedly promoting the LGBQT+ agenda both in America and all across the world.

The U.S. President is putting extreme pressure on Israel to give up its pursuit of the Hamas terrorists and agree to a two-state solution, which he says is the only path to peace. The Bible, however, tells us that the Lord will deal harshly with any nation that pursues such a policy of dividing His Land.

Second, we live in the shadow of the seven-year Tribulation when the entire earth will experience the fury of God’s wrath. Those who know and believe the words of biblical prophecy recognize the myriad of signs telling us that this time is ever so near. 

The April 8, 2024. solar eclipse may not be the Lord’s final warning for an unsuspecting nation and world, but then again, it might be.


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"The pattern of two solar eclipses forming an X over the U.S. also happened in the early 1800s. Remarkably, the intersection of this century’s solar eclipses will be about one hundred miles from where those of the nineteenth century crossed paths.

The first solar eclipse occurred on June 16, 1806, with the second completing the X on September 17, 1811. The intersection happened over the New Madrid fault area, which includes an area from Cairo in southern Illinois to nearby New Madrid, MO.

On December 16, 1811, just three months after the second solar eclipse, a series of devastating earthquakes struck along the New Madrid fault line. The following quote comes from the New Madrid, MO, website"



we had the war of 1812. 


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Interesting; thanks.  We're in the New Madrid seismic zone.  I hope it stays stable until after we have all left.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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Perhaps Today mentioned on another thread that he thinks the Rapture will be on an ordinary day that isn’t anticipated. I agree. One of the things I check each day is Israel in the news. I do believe it is clear as many do that Israel is God’s time-peace. I was wondering, where do Damascus and Gog Magog fit in time wise with the Rapture? Any thoughts on this? What event(s) occurring around or in Israel should really get us excited?  Or will we even have time to get excited? I’m kind of tired. Hope this makes sense. 

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@erby where do Damascus and Gog Magog fit in time wise with the Rapture?

I do not think anyone knows for sure whether these events are before or after the rapture. 

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(@Anonymous 394)
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It seems to me that our presence here on Earth is holding everything up. What a catalyst for any and all events our disappearance would be. 

Patricia N.
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From John Tng on Five Doves Jan 26: "Escaping the SNARE": [just a little from his post]

Luke 21:35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things. . . 

I will prove in this post that the SNARE spoken of by Jesus refers to the Oct 7 attack by the Hamas savages!  If that is the case, our ESCAPE is around the corner!

The keen reader might have noticed the Oct 7 date in the scripture that contains the key word "snare" in Exodus 10:7! This is not a coincidence.

Psalm 124:7 Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.  The most astounding thing about Psalm 124:7 is the hidden prophecy in this psalm, pointing to the year 2024 !!!


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Paul R
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@patrician Amazing. The entire story of the Exodus is so full of hidden meaning; much has been said and written about it as a possible type of the rapture. The Israelites were told to eat the Passover wearing their sandals and holding their staffs -- fully ready for the journey/escape.

Thanks Patricia, I'm going to read that post again.

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Hmmm … so is he implying this could be the start of Jacob’s trouble?  Then a few days later Feast of Trumpets will be on Oct 3rd.  

I expect the church to be snatched away any day this winter to spring (Passover). 

Perhaps Today
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I perfer to be ready today, just in case.

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I am ready for today and tomorrow and when the Lord give a cry of command, and speaks with the voice of an Arch Angel and with the voice of the trumpet of God … poof … up and out of here … Praise His name! Yahoo  

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God A Minute?- Take a look at the videos online.  It's very good and he talks a lot about why 2024 is the year

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@davedave Aaron is very good and both he and his wife are great to watch when they do the crazy videos …. There are others as well, but Aaron at God a Minute; Barry at Dr. Barry; Chad at Watchman on the Wall 88; the EndTimes team is also good to cruise by…. Yes Calvin

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These verses came from Aaron at God a Minute.  They show peace and safety in verse 23 and then not so much in verse 24.  (Possibly parallel to the years 2023 and 2024)

Genesis 5: 23, 24          Genesis 19: 23,24          Genesis 29: 23, 24

Joshua 6  :  23, 24         Daniel 6: 23,24(Lion's den)  2Kings 2 23, 24

1Corinthians 15: 23, 24    Isiah 66: 23, 24        Jeremiah 30: 23, 24


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