In Revelation Chapter 17 verse 14 the angel tells John that the ten kings shall make war with the Lamb. The Lamb will ultimately overcome them but, following the colon ":" he tells us that, they that are with him are called, the chosen, and faithful. This is the Church that lives on the land that is ruled by the mystery Babylon. Our government has been corrupt for over 100 years and has caused pain and death throughout the world. The mystery Babylon is also the harlot mentioned in this chapter. Is January 23rd a high watch date? And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? On January 23, 1950 Jerusalem became the capital of Israel. Good enough for a high watch to me! https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-729300 -Fair Use- Let’s have some “Rapture Chat” going on here. It says it’s been two days! I agree with Blue: The date that Jerusalem became the capital of Israel strikes a chord with me. This world is weariythin; there is just nonsense upon nonsense going on. Post Christian America is a total embarrassment. There is nothing progressive in “progressivism.” It’s just a rerun of Sodom. So I’m still looking for “an any day now” Rapture. I am of the 'Any day now' position also. This world is wearing thin. But I think you all probably understood what I meant. We are living Romans 1:18-32, if my memory serves me right. My thinking is that one of the reasons given for the Hamas attack was that they were upset that the red heifer sacrifice was about to take place and they wanted to prevent it. Now they are talking about a red heifer sacrifice at Passover. So, it seems like they would have to have some sort of agreement before Passover to prevent the same outcome. Will it be that the Jews can have their temple if they sign the 2 state solution. If so, then we leave very soon.
Then in the next chapter (18) we are told about how the mystery Babylon will fall, within one hour. Whatever is coming will make Babylon penniless. The merchants watching the fall will know first hand what is happening as the angel in chapter 18 describes the fall. Then suddenly in verse 4, another voice from heaven uses the Greek word "exerchomai" to describe "come out". In every other occurrence of the word in Revelation it's related to "came out" the meaning is come out now, immediately. It's the rapture. The other voice is thought to be that of Jesus. Mystery Babylon has fallen and Jesus is taking His church home. I’ve been seeing in various comment section of Youtubes: