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Exciting News 

(Just a snap shot)

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Kimberly’s Synopsis:

Here is the update verification that in April 2024, the Sanhedrin plans their covenant with many. A Muslim source says this is what sparked the war!  Jews worldwide to obtain the ashes from the Red Heifer.  This is a covenant of death, as this can never take away their sins and its is a fact that life is in the blood.  This eternal life is in Messiah Yeshua’s life blood that takes away our sins.  Golden Calf connection?  Red Heifer sacrifices go back to ancient Egypt.  No wonder the Lord called Mystery Babylon AKA Jerusalem, Sodom & Egypt, where our Lord was crucified.  If the new Sanhedrin does not accept their King, but accept a Red Heifer in His place, they will die in their sins under the law … stunning warning. 

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So with this plan in motion … when is the rapture? Mail  
We have …

  31 days in January 

  29 days in Feb (leap year)

  31 days in March 

  22 days in April until Passover Red Heifer ceremony 

113 days or less for the rapture to happen Whistle  

Do we leave in January?  

Or February?

Or March … March 31 is Easter/Resurrection day? 

Or April … here until April 22nd Passover by the way the 22nd also happens to be Earthday too. How fitting since these WEF folks worship the earth and its creatures instead of Creator God. 

What are your thoughts? 

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In a YouTube comment section many watchers are surprised to still be here … someone mentioned that in the book of Exodus God changed the first of the year from September to March … so on God’s calendar it goes from March to March whereas our calendar is January to January.  So if that is the case … then it’s still technically 2023 in God’s eyes … 

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@geri9 Yes!! the first of the year Nisan 1 will be April 8th or 9th since it is the first new moon after the spring equinox.....seems like there is another interesting thing happening on April 8th...the next lunar eclipse! All of this means that we should leave before these things, because our Lord is longsuffering, it will likely be last minute but we are finally getting so close. Come Lord! Amen

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Things like that are the reason that the rapture will happen at a time you think not.

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Yep … we know we are in the season, there is no doubt about it.  I was thinking of that verse yesterday too that you quoted as other watchers were asking “the why” we are still here and hearing how the new year started off … not calmly but with a bang with the horrific calamities in Japan to threats of nuclear with nations rising up again nations … 

Luke 12:

36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.

37 Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

38 And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.

39 And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.

40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.


Personally I’m staying focus on Craig Bong’s insight since he is following the movers/shakers that wants to usher in the New World Order so I’m hoping we leave on the New Moon January 11th … it called the Wolf Moon … how appropriate, eh, “wolf in sheep clothing” as they deceive the entire world with their “Green” Mandate Agenda while the unsaved think its a good thing to be apart of and not realizing what it really entails of mandates that will put left behind people in a prison planet … 15 minute cities with a diet of eating bugs and non edible toxic garbage. 

Global Risks Report 2024 Launch 

January 10, 2024  
From London, United Kingdom
New Wolf Moon January 11, 2024
WEF released document but the Terra Carta Accelerator update could come at the same time.
And if January and February pass … I will be looking at March 31st Easter/Resurrection Day since that was first fruits for the Old Testament Saints and those Saints that died before the Church began to enter heaven… maybe it will be a repeat timeframe for the Church Age group vs. looking at Pentecost ?
I will be shocked to still be here to witness the red heifer sacrifice on Passover … which starts April 22nd and falls on Earthday (worshipping Mother Earth/Mother Nature). 
It still fits in … if at the latest … if the Lord calls us upward in March … and that starts the brand new year on God’s calendar and its still pretty much a 7 year timeframe to have the tribulation commence, give or take “God shortening the days unless no flesh will survive” 
2024 Year 1
2025 Year 2
2026 Year 3
2027 Year 4
2028 Year 5
2029 Year 6
2030 Year 7

And have

Feast of Trumpets - reserved for the 2nd Coming of the KING of Kings
Yom Kippur - judgement of the nations that separated the Holy Land/separation of sheep and goats and who goes into the Millennium Kingdom
Feast of Tabernacles - kicks off the Millennium Kingdom and Jesus dwelling with His people on a peaceful earth
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@geri9 I am not even tryimg to guerss, I am taking one day at a time.

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Posted by: @geri9

the movers/shakers that wants to usher in the New World Order

Focus 2030 still says 3 days.  Three days from when?  Can those people count?

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Where is the Focus 2030 located?  On the U.N. website? Or WEF website?  Or ….?   Yeah, this is new to me about what they have planned for … in 3 days? Unsure  

They got the Davos meeting in January but it’s not until ….


”World Economic Forum will focus on the opportunities and implications of new technologies on decision-making and global partnership. It will be held at Davos-Klosters from 15th to 19th January 2024, convening over 100 countries and various stakeholders.”

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@geri9 I don't know; here's the link.

Focus 2030

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Blue just alerted me …
Tonight @ 9:00 pm EST on Aaron’s GodAMinute youtube channel … he will have …

Update On The Cop28 Plan With Craig Bong

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Aaron and Craig Bong live tonight on God A Minute channel.  9pm EST

Here's the little commercial for it:

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Ha, we posted at the same time.  Brilliant minds .......

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ROTFL ROTFL    It’s a double alert broadcast notice. Whistle   

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As our weather man would say, Keep an eye on the sky.

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Starts @ 1:57
Lisa WW65 says
I boldly proclaim:  “This will be the Year of the Rapture”.  Listen to the “Sevens”. 
She is reading this article from Gary @ Unsealed.org 

2024 Is Off With A Bang: Could This Be The Year?

If New Year's Day is any indication, 2024 could prove to be the most explosive year of our lifetimes. Could it even be the year of the long-prophesied rapture of the Church? In the [speculative] "Final Four" scenario, the first of four key years has now transpired, and we've entered one of the most likely years of all. Jesus died and rose again in one of the years from AD 30 to 33. With 2023 behind us, it would now be pertinent to consider the AD 31 scenario. AD 31 featured a lunar eclipse more exceptional than 33. Moreover, 2,000 years later brings us to 2031; seven years before that, 2024. Now the Psalm 90:10 definition of a generation resurfaces:

The days of our years, in them [are] seventy years, || And if, by reason of might, eighty years . . .

Israel is the withered fig tree now growing once again. It was reestablished in 1948—"replanted" as it were. Yet something profound happened two years later, in 1950: Israel's Law of Return came into force, one of the state's most fundamental laws. It enabled massive Jewish immigration to the Jews' ancestral homeland. The Law of Return was the single most significant political component of the return of the Jews to the Holy Land after the state's reestablishment. The Law of Return was passed on July 5th of 1950. 1950 + (81 years minus 1 day) = 2024. "If by strength 80 . . ."
Additionally, it is this year that will witness the 7th anniversary of the Great American Solar Eclipse and the Revelation 12 Sign:
SEVEN years since Trump's inauguration: January 20, 2024*
SEVEN years since the Jubilee of Jerusalem: May 24, 2024
SEVEN years since the Great American Solar Eclipse: August 21, 2024
SEVEN years since the GREAT SIGN of Revelation 12:1–2: September 23, 2024
*On November 8th, 2016, in Jewish year 5777, Donald Trump and Mike Pence defeated Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, going on to win the Electoral College by exactly 77 votes. Trump was born 700 days before Israel was reestablished on May 14th, 1948 and was 777 days old, 77 days after Israel's 1948 rebirth. Upon inauguration (January 20th, 2017), Donald Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old. The names of the new President and Vice President were a homophone for "trumpets" (Trump + Pence) in the very year that the Revelation 12 Sign appeared on the Feast of Trumpets.
Yesterday, on New Year's Eve, just hours before the new year, an X5-class solar flare was detected. It was the single most powerful solar flare since September 2017's 9.3 (the same month as the Revelation 12 Sign!): SOURCE.
Today, on New Year's, a massive 7.5-magnitude earthquake has struck Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, toppling buildings and sending a tsunami along large swathes of Japan's coast along the Sea of Japan: SOURCE.
TodayBRICS officially expanded to 10 members by adding Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Note that Argentina was set to join today, but days ago backed out at the last minute—thus unexpectedly making way for the 10-nation organization we now see. As of today, BRICS now constitutes 45.6% of the world's population, 44.6% of its crude oil production, and 28.6% of its GDP. As a watchman, I can't force history to fit my preconceived notions; rather, I must accept that God's prophetic word will be fulfilled precisely and in ways that will ultimately surprise me. This could very well be the 10-horned beast through which the Antichrist will arise.

Today, a major Iranian warship has entered the Red Sea as the U.S. and U.K. are readied to launch massive airstrikes against the Houthis in Yemen.

And, as all of this transpires, Israel is nearing a full-scale war with Hezbollah, the red heifers are still [apparently] qualified and possibly ready for sacrifice within months, a second Great American Solar Eclipse is looming (April 8, 2024), and an unprecedented presidential election is set to go down with a resurgent Trump and incumbent Biden. The last trump will blow and then the little horn will arise.

Are you watching? Are you ready?
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In comment section:
Per Keegan Fernandas 

What to watch out for between January 2024 to April 2024...

There is global call right now for Peace and Safety (1 Thessalonians 5:3) as UN's Guterres invoked the rarely-used charter to aid 'threats to international peace and security' in Israel-Hamas war!

...we are now at a point of...

...Then Sudden Destruction....with Hezbollah and the other waring factions of Iran, those being the Houthis, Fatah and the Islamic Jihad joining in the single front Israel-Hamas War and turning it into the Psalm 83 Multifront War! 

The Psalm 83 multifront war and the Destruction of Damascus as prophesied in Isaiah 17 is the catalyst! 

ISAIAH 17...
The countdown to the Destruction of Damascus! Iran arms Hezbollah ahead of wider conflict with Israel! Hezbollah is about to full engage in the war and the Israeli army had said that if Hezbollah joins the war, that they will destroy Damascus and target Syrian president Bashar Al- Assad!

By the end of this war the Al Aqsa mosque will be gone from the Temple Mount and the 3rd Temple will be built! The Red Heifer is going to be sacrificed during Passover 2024!

Jacob (Israel) is in trouble and is about to go into the 7 year tribulation! The complete explosion of the Psalm 83 Multifront War is the runway that leads Israel into the 7 year tribulation, after the the signing of the Daniel 9:27 covenant! 

Hezbollah and the Houthis are about to completely unleash their missile stockpile arsenal and join Hamas against Israel in the full explosion of Multi Front Regional War (Psalm 83 War and Isaiah 17)! IRAN is DAYS away from getting their nuclear bomb to attack Israel! Israel needs to preemptively strike Iran's nuclear facilities (Jeremiah 49)!

Today, unlike any other time in history, the world is at that moment of 'Peace and Safety, Then Sudden Destruction' and is ripe for the 'Man with a Plan' who is lurking in the tribulation shadows, just waiting to emerge! 

There has never been such an global outcry for peace in the Middle East as we see right now. There are major violent protests and lawless demonstrations with millions gathering on the streets in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the United States. 

After the Rapture, you can just imagine what the extent of chaos is going to be. 

Enter the Antichrist from the ashes of the Psalm 83 War to quell the chaos! 

The act that will catapult the 'Lawless One' onto the global scene is the Daniel 9:27 Peace agreement that he will broker with Israel. 

The Bible tells us he comes in as a man on a white horse — he is a miracle worker of diplomacy and the man everyone will look to for answers. The treaty of Daniel 9:27 is signed, and the signing of the treaty starts the Tribulation Period. I believe that as a part of the Daniel 9:27 treaty, the Jews to allowed to build the 3rd Temple!

The pleading cry of Asaph in Psalm 83 asking God not to be silent, will beseeach His divine intervention. At that very moment, as in the Days Of Noah, the doors to the Church Age will shut, the trumpet will sound and we will be caught up! 

US economist makes chilling prediction for 2024 - warning of 'biggest crash in our lifetimes' as 'everything bubble' bursts! The world is being prepared for a one world government a global Digital ID and Digital Currency (CBDC)! A new covid variant will lockdown the global economies and along with the devastation from the Psalm 83 war, the stock markets will crash globally and devastate economies! The UFO cover up is ready to explain away the Rapture!

It's The Grand Finale! We are at the finish line! 

Jesus is about to evacuate us from this wicked world! The Rapture...our Red sea moment is at hand!

All that remains is for the Rapture to take place now, and that can happen at any moment...in the twinkling of a eye!


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Patricia N.
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Five Doves from Bruce K:  Rapture dream----Staggering !

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