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By their actions they are revealing themselves to the parents of the students! Parents individually and in groups have been rising up lately in bold ways to take back what these school boards have been doing behind their backs. Satan is without a doubt walking around this earth seeking who he may devour! Lord, may Your righteousness overpower evil where it if found till You come. Wisdom to the parents and to all who love you!

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15 minute clip  Bob Barber and his Uptime Group with Aaron
Check this out … did you know there is a 21 day party after signing the 7 year agreement? 

And Biden is giving Bibi until the end of the month before the US pulls out of the region and no more protection.  

Then Bibi said if Hezbollah  joins the war … Israel will destroy Damascus …. 

So there is still a strong possibility we leave by Christmas! Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn  

COP28  21 day celebration to Sudden Destruction!  Writing is on the wall!  Dome of the Rock will fall! 
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Short 4 minute clip from Aaron


Could this be a picture of the first seal? 

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Starts @ 2:14
The U.S. just formed a 10-Nation coalition in the Red Sea to defend attacks on commercial vessels 
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As in 10 Kings?

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Yep … sure sounds like it … 


Geoffrey Grider

The United States on Monday announced a 10-nation coalition against Huthi attacks in the Red Sea, with Britain, France, Bahrain and Italy among ten countries joining the ‘multinational security initiative.’

History started in the Middle East, has gone all around the globe, and now has come home to roost in the place where it started. This is how you know you are close to everything ‘wrapping up’ here in the end of the Church Age. If news of a “10-nation coalition in the Red Sea” doesn’t set off any prophecy alarm bells for you, then you really need to get back in the Book.

“Wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red sea.” Psalm 106:22 (KJB)

As the war between Israel and Hamas continues to grind on, the United States and European allies continue to get drawn into deepening conflict in the Middle East. Not only that, but now a new agreement between Germany and Lithuania will lead to German troops’ first permanent foreign deployment since World War II. Remember how we’ve always told you that when WWIII does start, Germany will be right there in the thick of it? That’s exactly what Germany is preparing to do, whether they know it or not.

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I guess I'm struggling trying to see a link between the number 10 here and Revelation 17? A few months ago, a lot of teachers I otherwise respect were all about 10 members of brics and 10 kings, even though it clearly didn't fit Revelation's context.  I can see both situations as part of a destabilization that will probably sooner than later lead to the real ten kings arising, but that's about it.  What am I missing?

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You're not missing anything.  We're just excited.

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You're not missing anything Greg. Just seems a lot of "tens" keep popping up in recent times. 

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All I know is the Houthis want to stop any shipping trade with Israel and going after those countries … so far its (10 nations) that are NOT part of the (BRICS 10 nations) to stop the supply chain and ruin their economy.   So what I see is 10 nations duking it out with the BRICS 10 nations … who knows which group will be thee 10 nations that rule during the tribulation. Unsure  

And you want more symbolism … check this out … 

Task Force 153 is the organizer of the international task force assigned to improve maritime security in the Red Sea.

153 fish caught in John 21:11 , which mirrors Ezekiel 47 vision of the River of Life and John's Vision in revelation 22 of the new kingdom in heaven. Numerical value for 153 in Hebrew is Ani- Elohim- I AM GOD
Lisa talks more of it in this YouTube … but first … there is an outbreak of frogs that hit Honduras for 3 days causing accidents …
and there was the locust and large hail and flooding that hit Saudi Arabia over the last month or so. Plus lightning hitting the black box the Muslims walk round. 
The way I see it … our RED SEA moment of rescue/escape is drawing near!  God is trying to get the churches attention … instead the world news seems to be about Taylor Swift and her football boyfriend. Wacko  
Starts @ 2:00 
Frogs of Biblical proportions has caused a major pile up in an Honduras Town, for 3 days
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"Taylor Swift and her football boyfriend"

Who she?  Who he?  Who cares?

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