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True of what Amir said here,

"Only the rapture will show us all the believers in the world & who our brothers & sisters are."

55 second clip.


2023-09-18 14_03_14-Amir Tsarfati_ The Mystery of the Rapture - YouTube and 6 more pages - Personal

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In Dr. Barry Awe's video he had mentioned TYGreen for a good video on why we should look at the 19th. The first video is from a couple weeks ago and the second is a follow up posted today, the 18th.  To get the whole story you  need to watch both.

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Thanks.  Bob said he's too pooped for videos tonight, but we'll watch tomorrow if we're still here.

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11 minute clip

Rapture Resurrection Alert! Agenda 2030 Accelerates! Cars Gone by Next Year!



In the comment section:

One person has these dates marked to be watching closely Sep 19th - 23rd - 29th - Oct 4th

Another posted
In i pet goat 2 the day of exit is signaled at 23 September as the day of the white rabbit in the chinedse year of the rabbit. also in a lot of movies they put the number 923 a lot of times. the i pet goat movie is from 2012 i believe. this means that the fallen ones know maybe the date that the restrainer is removed long time before we believers and are still searching.


Revelation 21 is all about Tabernacles and dwelling with us. Feast of Tabernacles starts Sep. 29/Tisheri 15. Revelation 6:12 says full moon Sept. 29 is the "harvest" full moon. Paul was a tent maker. I pray it's sooner!

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My thoughts are …

After watching Lisa’s WW65 YouTube … they are meeting in the UN trying to get some peace deal signed with incentives … so they are really pushing this to happen soon … then they will  have 3 teams concentrating on various areas fine tuning the problem areas to make all agree to and this later gets confirmed perhaps by Dec 12, 2023 at the COP28 meeting.   So I’m thinking perhaps they will agree to at least some signature agreement to get the process going …. Could their goal be by Thursday which happens to be  “International Day of Peace” :unsure:


Monday – Tuesday  September 18 & 19  – The UN general assembly  should be saying Peace and Safety at the UN


Wednesday  September 20 – the comet enters into the woman


Thursday September 21 – the comet is in the middle of the woman and that is International Day of Peace


Friday September 22 – the comet comes out of the woman


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Comment under the second video:

Have you read Exodus Ch 19 recently, the basis for Yom Teruah. Notice the typology - Moses goes up on Mount Sinai to meet with God on the new moon then comes back down the mountain. It isn't until the MORNING 3 DAYS After the new moon that Moses hears the "very loud trumpet blast" which grew greater and greater, then God comes down to the top of Mount Sinai and specifically calls Moses up to the top of Mount Sinai (parallels to meet him in the air?) What stands out is the delay of 3 days from when the new moon occurs. If the rapture is associated with Yom Teruah, there could be a similar delay of 3 days before the "final Trumpet" and the rapture of the Church.

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I was so with you on that one — very disappointed in CJ’s and I have followed him for years.
I also, almost, did not watch the newest one - but I am glad I did and excited that we really should leave now at this late hour. :yahoo:

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What an encouragement that we are at the door — God’s hand is indeed all over this

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More encouragement from Bob Barber if we make it through the week:

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This website says the Open Door of Revelation 4:1 indicates the beginning of Day of Atonement. There are of course various dates given for the day this year, but Bob Barber in the above video says it is the 27th.  Interesting that the UNGA goes through the 26th.  Will they have an 18th SDG goal by then dividing Israel?

The open door indicates the beginning of the day of atonement, which was the only day of the year that the high priest went through the door that separated the holy place from the most holy place, where the throne of God was located.


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