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Was watching a video on the tribulation. When he got to the abomination of desolation , he said prob a pig sacrifice on the alter. I dont have a problem with that theory, but would an unclean animal be that horrible? What if the AoD is far more evil like a human sacrifice to satan? Or a young child (born after the rapture) as a virgin sacrifice then the ac claims the sacrifice was to him because he is god??? Its the trib..... makes sense to me. Anyway I was just in think mode. What are your thoughts?

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Its hard to say …

Another theory out there is this statue here “might be” placed into the temple to defile it.  Behind the scenes they secretly given this to a well known prince. Its his image and his inner circle fan club already call him  “Savior of the world” since he is the real brains behind the World Economic Forum, the Great Reset “6uild, 6ack 6etter”, the Oslo peace accords.  He is now head of the Catholic Church, he claims to have the bloodline of King David so he is well loved by the Jews and … he converted to Islam so he has friends with the Arab sector as well.


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Interesting thought — I’ll go there …. First I looked up the two words, abomination and desolation as this is what Jesus spoke of that would happen per Daniel’s prophecy.

In the Old Testament, the word translated “abomination” is shiqquwts. “The Hebrew root for abomination is shaqats, [which means] ‘to be filthy,’ ‘to loath,’ ‘to abhor’” (“Abomination of Desolation,” International Standard Bible Encyclopedia). It is most often used to describe idolatrous worship practices, especially those most offensive to a sense of decency and morality.

The New Testament equivalent is bdelygma, which means “a foul thing (loathsome on account of its stench), a detestable thing” (Thayer’s Greek Lexicon).

So an abomination is something that is abhorrent and detestable to God and His people.

In the Old Testament, the word translated “desolation” (or “that which makes desolate”) is shamem,and means “to destroy, lay waste, devastate; to be astonished … something so horrible that it can leave a person speechless” (The Complete Word Study Old Testament, p. 2376).

In the New Testament the word is erēmōsis and essentially means the same thing, “a making desolate” (Thayer’s Greek Lexicon).

Thus, biblically, desolation involves destroying and desecrating and leaving something in such a horrible condition that an onlooker is left speechless.

So Jesus referenced or described this thing as “standing in the holy place.” So this refers to a detestable thing that will be erected, or established, at the holy place (the place where priestly sacrifices were, and will be, carried out).

Could be a living, semi dead individual, hung upright as a token of idolatry. It may be a young person, infant, or female … anything like this would certainly come from a pure evil being. It will be what opens the eyes of the Jews to this individual’s true character. Thankful we will not have to endure seeing such horrific event.

For fair and educational use …..

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I just read this …

Per Chance @ 5 Doves


How did Hanukkah come about?

When Alexander the Great died, his empire was divided among his four generals.  The Holy Land area came under the control of General Seleucus - forming what became known as the Seleucid Dynasty.

These Greek overlords became increasingly intolerant of Judaism - the Jewish festivals were prohibited, along with circumcision and owning a copy of the Torah.  The Jews were ordered upon death to worship Greek gods.

Things got much worse for the Jewish people under King Antiochus IV Epiphanes.  He added "Epiphanes" to his name - "God Manifest".  He slaughtered Jewish leaders, men, women, children, babies.  The Jews renamed him "Epimanes" - "The Mad One".
He placed a statue of Zeus in the Holy of Holies 😉 and proclaimed himself Zeus' representative on earth.  This act occurred on the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in 167 BC.
The Jewish people started their rebellion that lasted 3 years to the day.  The priest Mattathias and his son Judah the Maccabee, called "The Hammer", carried out brilliant attacks on the Greek army.  On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month in 164 BC the Greeks were driven out of Jerusalem.  The Temple was freed!  The Jewish people rededicated and cleansed the Temple.

For the rededication they had found one bottle of consecrated oil which they used to light the Temple Menorah.  This one day supply ended up lasting eight days!  This miraculous occurrence was commemorated into the annual cycle of Jewish holidays as Hanukkah, The Feast of Dedication, The Festival of Lights.

- Fair Use -



Doesn’t history repeat itself .. nothing new under the sun?   Sounds like its going to be a statue idol that defiles the temple.  Whether its Zeus or the image of the AC?

Remember when the democrats  did this …

Designed Obama's stage to resemble the Great Altar of the Temple of Zeus



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Thats kind of what I was thinking when I said a human/child sacrifice unto himself, while claiming he is God. Then erecting the image of the beast/himself in the holy of holies that all must worship.

An animal sacrifice just doesnt seem very oooooh aaaah . while bad to the Jews, the rest of the world would be like "meh".

I just think it would be a much larger scale sacrifice
