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Another thing …  its very easy for your paralegal friend to say you have a right to file a complaint anytime … but think about this … if you get the city housing dept involved and they end up throwing the book and fining the land owner/manager/super … guess what … he will then not be too happy with you … he can easily break the contract and tell you to leave ASAP or raise your monthly fees and if you ever need something fixed forget it, and he can turn off your heat, water etc. and play games with you.  Unfortunately the ball is always in the owner/manager/super’s court … and you don’t want to tick them off.

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I don't know if the neighbours are complaining. I asked one neighbour if the loud music is disturbing her and she nodded. I should have asked her if she complained.

thank you for the warnings.

I am so fed up with this world and have no energy to move anywhere. I am staying in my unit.

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Just wait for the heavenly music, the louder the better!


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Geri, thank you for taking the time to write down all the info and your thoughts.

When the agent from the city asked me if I want to file a report. I felt a bit uneasy and told her I will think about it. I am not sure it is the right thing. too much can go wrong.

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I read testimonies of others on a youtube channel going thru apartment issues of various sorts … they either filed a complaint or said something to the manager so things got much worse for them and now forced to leave.  Some apartments are looking for 6 months to a years worth of advance dues because its unstable times.  I’m sorry you’re going thru this noise pollution … praying it gets better and that we fly out of here soon.

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yes, I have to mention one thing that happened to me years ago. I hate to remember bad things but I will share.

I had just rented an apartment and I used to stay up till almost 1 am before I go to bed.

It was around midnight and I was watching TV. Luckily the door to my apartment is facing me. I saw the knob turning very slowly and quietly. I jumped out of the chair and managed to hold the door just as someone tried to enter.

It was the super. He said he has to come in because he heard from a neighbor upstairs that water is leaking. I told him there is no water leaking in my apartment and tried to close the door, but he held it open saying he has to check. I told him there is no water in my apartment and tried to close the door again when he reached out and touched me. I pushed the door shut on him and dialed 911. The police were there, they talked to him, they told me to press charges, I didn't. the officer insisted that it is best to press charges. I don't know why I didn't. Anyway, before long, there was a reason for building management to evict me.


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Thank God I was still watching TV and saw the door knob turn. It was good I was not in bed and woke up half asleep to find someone standing next to me. That would have been too scary. I would have been able to fight him off, but either way, it is a bit traumatic to wake up with someone by your bed.

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Yikes!  Is this creepo still working and the current super?  And when you say super is he the hired help or is he the actual owner of the apartment complex?   I personally would have move out ASAP … and/or had bolt locks installed.

Here where I’m at … a few years ago this one President in charge was very nervy and wanted our keys.  NO WAY was I going to give her a working key.  I gave her a fake one. 😂    Since I have a dog that is VERY protective that will continually bark until they keep their distance …  they are afraid of him.  😀   I felt vulnerable when he was at the animal hospital both times and all alone … that’s when I heard weird noises.

Then when that President stepped down … she made sure she called the locksmith to have her locks changed so nobody had access to her unit. Nice, eh?


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That was another building, years ago.

I don't mean the manager/ owner of the building. the super is the guy who overseas stuff,  fixes anything that needs fixing......

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All of a sudden, I feel scared. I am not very sure why. I don't know if it is because of a client calling me just before I finished work telling me about something scary that happened at their place.

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