My Sister! I don't want to be your patient! :mdrmdr: Well, unless I need medical care and then I would certainly want to be your patient! ; ) Otherwise, nothing needing to be patient about other than missing you! If I had patience I could be a doctor! Nope not me! My treatment would be to go walk it off, and if that doesn't work, say hi to God for me! TR :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Well that just goes to show your what a very long day at the hospital I had dealing with unbelievable craziness :calvin :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: By no means would I turn you away from being your practitioner but in saying that, I pray you stay healthy and whole until the trumpet sounds my brother :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Truly, everyday my patience is sorely tried between patients and staff. Unbelievable the carnage this year has strung out ... it’s like the sheeple have just turned off their brain. I tried to tell a patient’s family member a while back that they where dying of cancer, but they insisted it was COVID, and wanted to know why a vent was not the order of the day, just crazy. :calvin I never thought I would hate being in healthcare, but this year has changed everything. :wacko: Whether we offer our bodies to be burned, or otherwise sacrifice our lives as a humanitarian gesture, we would still fall short in securing our own salvation! Indeed the Lord is slowly prying this life from our hands and heart! And soon our unpleasant memories as well! But again, anyone who loves the Lord is beautiful in His sight and mine! Warts and all! TR but they insisted it was COVID Sometimes I think people want to be sick. Crazy! Again, some glory in their afflictions to further self entitlement! TR There is two ways people glory in illness, both are considered mental health issues .. Munchausen's syndrome is a psychological disorder where someone pretends to be ill or deliberately produces symptoms of illness in themselves the get attention. Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) - parents live life for the attention they seek when they have or create illness in their children. Another phrase you’ve heard is “martyrdom syndrome” - a person is very dramatic in their supposed problems of life. This is not necessarily a disease as the other two are but it is real and growing among the “divas” of the younger generations. They need Christ. :prayer-hands: Amazing! Life has enough difficulties without creating more. Save the drama for your mama! Which could also be directed to the militant Israel hating Muslims! Trying to recapture the glory of days gone by! TR
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