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Prayer request for my dog

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:prayer-hands: Praying for Dodger to pull through! and Grace for you :rose:

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i'm so sorry, geri...i know how sad and stressful it is when our beloved pet dogs get sick...i hate this for you...i will pray if it be His will that our good Lord will heal Dodger even now and allow you to be blessed with his rambunctious company again...will pray you experience God's peace and calm in the meantime and His wisdom in decisions which are always difficult while feeling anxious...may you be especially aware of your Heavenly Father's & hugs...

oh, i would think it would be like medical doctors where you can give permission and request the records from the NY vet to be emailed/faxed to your local vet in time for your visit so they will have all that info to tell you more and to make good choices for your little guy

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and yes, i've heard in the past of pets getting covid- you could ask this other vet about that, too...maybe they can give ivermectin to him??

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Father God, please bless our beloved sisters heart and extend your healing virtue to her fur baby!

Simply because it’s important to her!

We know You are able, we pray Your will be done!

In Jesus’s name


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I’m back … his local vet did “tests” and used contrast dye and found his esophagus is packed with fuzzy white matter … I said that is probably the stuffing from the pillow. :wacko:    Soooo tomorrow I go back at 9:00 am and he is hoping the matter will moved down to the stomach region … if not he will have to use an instrument to pull it out  … or if it doesn’t come out easy … they will need to do surgery right there in that facility.   Soooo can you pray they can clear his esophagus without having to do surgery?  Thank you. 

Meanwhile they were able to give him the meds to prevent nausea … I said you were able to get his mouth open to take the pill???  They said no .. they gave him a shot instead. :scratch:   Meanwhile they told me to feed him a little vanilla ice cream tonight … I put some in a small bowl and he’s not eating it. :scratch:

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Looks like they’ve found the cause of his illness. That good! Hopefully, Dodger will just pass it through his digestive tract. That it is stuffing sounds like a good thing because it’s not sharp. Prayers for a good report tomorrow! :prayer-hands:

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Lord, give wisdom and insight to this newest Vet, that reveals the cause and remedy for Dodger. Geri is doing all she knows to do Lord; please give answers to the unknown, that bring healing for him. amen

Geri, I'm a fixer at heart, so these are some possible take them or leave them idea's to make your life easier with Dodger, if interested.

What about a type of raised paper shredder that Dodger cannot reach or pick paper out of? So easy to empty too.

There are indoor bug zappers

Make you own yarn storage. Can tuck yarn back inside:

Solid mini swivel desk top trash bins to place here or there, for candy wrappers etc:



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Do you have a healthy yogurt on hand Geri? My stepson has two dogs who were throwing up and that was suggested by the vet. They ate it right down.

It could be too your pup just knows he can't swallow yet?


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Thank you for the helpful suggestions, Kolleen! :rose:    I don’t have yogurt in the house.  I think he knows he can’t swallow so he is refusing all food. Cry The irony is the shredder used to be in one of the spare bedrooms that has the office desk … but when I was up there shredding he would be at this landing gate crying and barking because he wants to be in the same room with me.  So I moved the shredder in the living room thinking that would solve the problem… but no it created another one. :scratch: 7E5C6B3B-190C-44B2-91C6-5B37DB706174

UGH as I look closer at this remnant area rug … he just recently pulled the strings off it and swallowed them too. :wacko:


AND … the only reason I have this spare little carpet piece there is to hide the unfinished flooring that my brother was suppose to complete … as well as the trim … I’ve been putting up with this since 2017 since he is sooooo busy. :scratch:   Perhaps he will have compassion and do it this weekend or I will have to hire a local carpenter …


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This was the sneaker he attacked…. He got a hold of it again while I was distracted and pulled the lining out of them and chewed it and broken pieces were all over the hardwood floor.  I had to put gel inserts in so I could still wear the sneakers.   He is not impartial … he can ruin leather flip flops too. 🙁

AND … if I don’t fully close the half bathroom door … he can open the door and he loves to take the hand towel off the rack and chews holes in them …. as well as any clothes items he can find … underwear, sports bras and socks are amongst his favorite. :scratch:


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