Possible 7 year tri...
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Possible 7 year trib timing

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There is an interesting chart here from one of Luis Vega's posts at five doves today.  It shows that if the tribulation starts on October 18 this year, which is Shemini Atzeret (ending the fall feasts), in 1260 days it lands on Passover and another 1260 days it lands on Yom Teruah for the Second Coming  Pretty interesting timing.


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Hear are the two fivedove articles where Luis Vega talks about the timing:



Speculation of course, but interesting where the 1260 day marks hit on the chart above.

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Thanks for sharing this information.  This and other postings give me so much hope.

I have read so many reasons why 2022 may be the year of the rapture and start of the tribulation.  But the overwhelming event for me involves Israel and Iran.  I cannot see any set of circumstances whereby Israel does not take out Iran's nuclear capabilities during 2022, and soon.  I believe that an Israeli attack on Iran, may result in the destruction of Damascus and possibly the fulfillment of the prophecy of Elam.  These events could fast-track the war of gog & Magog, and the completion of this war could result in the agreement with many that starts the tribulation.  It all just seems to fit and it all could happen very quickly once the Church is gone.

I did not always think this, but it all just seems to be falling into place during the last few months  And the rapture would devastate the US to the point where we could not assist Israel even if we wanted to.

But who am I to contemplate such things that only God knows about.  I do know that if we are still here next year, God will provide for us.  God is always faithful, and either way I am so blessed.

Nevertheless, I am sooooooo ready.  May the Lord give me patience and a desire to reach others in His name before it is too late.

Thank you all for your posts and input.  I read them every night and feel like I know you all as friends.

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Plus … they got those red heifers ready … if they wait another year or 2 then I think they are disqualified for being “too old” because don’t they have to be a certain age?   Plus the OWR Abrahamic House Grand opening is set for either Nov. or Dec.   Everything is lining up :whistle:

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Interesting if the red heifers are ready, do you have a website about that, Geri9?

One thing I noticed about the timeline above for the 7 year trib, the ending date in 2029 is Rosh Hashanah which falls on Sept. 11 that year.  That 9/11 date already has a lot of significance for America because of the two towers falling that day and also 911 being an emergency number; just a little side detail.

Here's a website that reminds us about all the Jewish traditions around Rosh Hashanah that make it seem a good day to watch for the rapture, a lot of information here:


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Earthangel, earlier this year I posted these updates on this thread …

“Rabbi Inspects Red Heifer in Secret Location in Israel”

Note sure how to post the link.  But the current updates were ….

Sean Osborne – Eschatology Today – March 26th  2:40 AM

Here’s a key quote:

“At the same time, we are now looking forward to the two-year birthday of three more heifers that were and still are completely red. With God’s help and if there are no mishaps, within half a year we have three red heifers ready for the Temple.”

That means by September of 2022 the ashes of red heifers will have been prepared for purification rituals at the coming Temple!




From Chad (Watchman on the Wall 88)

Starts @ 39 seconds  … listen closely to 3:53 marker point … (the few white hairs on that one red heifer suddenly turned red and they got 3 others that are red)

Also in the comment section someone posted

I was in the Temple Institute in Feb 2020. I asked how long it would take to build it and the answer was “three months”. We saw everything they need already there.


Also note:  FOT ends on 9/27 … Daniel 9:27  “He shall confirm a covenant with the many for one week…”  and if the Temple can be built in 3 months … that will make it December 2022 they could have it in place.  And wont the Abrahamic Worship House also be built by the end of the year too?  Hmmm ….  :whistle:




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I’m not a fan of Dr. Barry Awe … mostly because of his silliness but I saw this youtube posted on RITA facebook and I was curious to know why others were talking about it … so I watched it and I must say I was shockingly glad I did.  He gives illustrations/patterns of fulfillment in Old Testament vs. New Testament.  I’m assuming all the math is correct and with his numerous charts he seems VERY convincing the rapture could very well occur on … 9 AV which this year will be … sundown Saturday, August 6 thru sundown Sunday, August 7.   I hope flight #777 leaves on the 7th.

9 AV is such a sad day in Jewish history … all these events occurred:

1. The Spies Returned With a Bad Report - then because of Israel’s unbelief they were wandering 40 years until a generation passed. Here they could of enter the Promise Land.

2. Both Holy Temples Were Destroyed

3. The Battle at Betar Was Lost

4. The Romans Plowed the Beit Hamikdash

5. The Jews Were Expelled From England

6. The Jews Were Banished From Spain

7. Both World Wars Began

So …

8. Will the rapture happen on this date and the church enter the Promise Land of Heaven and will WW3 Began because of chaos?

He seems pretty confident 9 AV could be it … if not … then he will be looking at Feast of Trumpets.


Starts @ 3:13

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Thanks Geri!  I know what I'll plan to listen to on the way to work tomorrow...

When I read what Greg Lauer wrote about Tisha B'Av as well as the thoughts Pete Garcia added (and a two hour video he did with Tyler from Generation2434 earlier this week), it just made sense to me and "felt" like it could be right.  I guess we won't have long to wait to find out!

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I agree, not a fan of his goofy way of presentation, but have watched him for a few years now and he is very strong in what he presents per the Bible, similar to CJ Lovik. I have posted a few of both of them here and every time, it seems to be ignored or heavily dumped on. As I get a lot of that at work, like Dennis, I am pretty much just hanging in there, praying, watching, and waiting. Shawn is also a huge proponent of the Shemitah cycle.

Heb. 10:25 “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

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I wonder if the majority of Israel is still looking for the Messiah.  Or are they liberalized Jews in contrast to the more orthodox Jews who still follow the Law literally? In the USA Jews are divided into the more orthodox and the more liberal Jews.  I have heard for years of some Jews, sometimes covertly, preparing for a new temple, with making temple instruments, vestments, and the raising of an acceptable red heifer.  It sounds like Israel will be caught sleeping like the virgins in Christ parable because they are so preoccupied with enjoying their lives in an independent, free Israel that they won't realize that God planned this in advance.  This all seems to be setting the table for an AC to show up and the beginning of the seven year trib.  Of course, all us believers, Jew and Gentile will be gone before then. :bye:


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