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Carry on!

Previous thread here.

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Patricia N.
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Media Blackout: Corporate Media Ignore Hunter Biden Revelations:

Most corporate media outlets completely ignored bombshell revelations on Thursday involving allegations that Hunter Biden and then-Vice President Joe Biden were involved in a bribery scheme in 2015 and 2016.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Thursday released an unclassified FBI document that memorialized a conversation between the FBI and one of their trusted informants, who passed on to the FBI detailed allegations from the founder of the Ukrainian natural gas and oil company who employed Hunter Biden, that Hunter Biden and then-Vice President Joe Biden were both involved in a bribery scheme.

Despite the high-profile nature of the event, most corporate news media outlets ignored it.

The New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal (WSJ) did not cover the release of the document, although the WSJ did run an opinion piece.  ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News did not cover the release on their nightly broadcast that evening or on their morning shows the next day, according to Newsbusters. By contrast, Fox News’s nightly newscast led with the story on Thursday.

Newsbusters said in its story:
On Thursday, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC kept their viewers in the dark on a major storyline of the 2024 presidential election as Senator Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) office released a rumored form from an FBI confidential source alleging the Biden family coerced the Burisma CEO to shovel them millions if then-Vice President Biden could have Ukraine’s top prosecutor fired (which he did).


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And on another front:

Two days ago, Children’s Health Defense founder Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testified before the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

It was a hearing on censorship — and 102 members of Congress signed a letter asking the committee to censor RFK Jr.’s testimony on censorship!

Copied from an email to me from CHD.

Humbly Irrelevant
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My thoughts ...

And what is actually going to occur with all of these factual allegations?   EXACTLY NOTHING!

Trump had the goods on the Resident in Charge and his son (family) for the last half-decade and what did he do?  EXACTLY NOTHING!

Trump had the power to declare a national emergency and shut down the riots during Covid and what did he do? EXACTLY NOTHING!

Pence had the power to pause the 2020 election results until audits could be conducted, and what did he do?  EXACTLY NOTHING!

Law Enforcement had the opportunity to revisit the Resident in Charge, his family, and the elections, and what have they accomplished? EXACTLY NOTHING!

Cocaine was discovered in the White House recently with only one possible source, and what has happened? EXACTLY NOTHING!

The Resident in Charge is working with our enemies, being paid by our enemies, is being controlled by our enemies, and is selling our sovereignty on the world stage.  Do you believe our Vise Resident in Charge is able to prevent this?   NO, that alternative is even worse!

There is EXACTLY NOTHING new under the sun -- the end is near because evil now rules absolutely!  Evil is condoned as good, good is deemed evil, and the world is cycling downward faster than a whirlpool!

There is EXACTLY NOTHING that is preventing Jesus from coming for us soon!


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:amen:   The end is near .. corruption / evil is at an all time high.

I was driving to a few places yesterday and had the Christian radio on … not sure who the preacher was but man … he kept saying “God is not finished with this GREAT country of ours rah rah rah …” and I thought what rock is he hiding under to stay in denial and not see the corruption all around.    I had to turn off the radio cause he was sooooo out of touch with reality with his rah rah speech that things are going to get better during the church age.

Patricia N.
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Well, they did something with the bag of cocaine at the White House.  They blew it up!

JESSE WATTERS: The Biden White House just blew up the bag of cocaine:

. . . the Biden White House just blew up the bag of cocaine.  The Secret Service destroyed the evidence. They didn't put it in the evidence locker. They didn't send it to Quantico for additional testing. They incinerated it. Is that proper criminal procedure? Is that how you handle evidence? . . . The DA doesn't want to bring charges, so let's go out back and light it on fire." That's some chain of custody they have going on over there at the White House. The only way now we'll ever prove whose coke it was is if Hunter confesses.

So, here's a question: Did the White House blow up the coke while they were testing it for fingerprints or after they tested it? "Hey, let's just dust this bag for prints. Oops. Where did that fire come from?"


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The keystone cops.  It's getting so outrageous some of it's becoming humorous.  Some of the humor may be in the fact that we're leaving these bad jokes behind.  It might not seem so funny if you were planning to stay here and put up with that nonsense for another 7 years.

Paul R
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Some of the humor may be in the fact that we’re leaving these bad jokes behind.  It might not seem so funny if you were planning to stay here and put up with that nonsense for another 7 years.

Well said, Terry. Another horrific, worldwide holocaust is coming, and that's no laughing matter.

Patricia N.
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The Total Number of Illegal Aliens Who Entered US Under Joe Biden Is More than the Population of 35 States:

Back in October 2022, the Federation of American Immigration Reform, or FAIR Organization, released their fiscal year 2022 immigration numbers.

FAIR.org estimated that 5.5 million illegal aliens had entered the United States by crossing over the open border with Mexico since Joe Biden entered office.  That number has reached 7 million today nearly one year later.

On his first day in office, Joe Biden opened the US southern border to millions of unknown, illegal migrants from every corner of the world.

Now that the borders are open the Biden administration is releasing THOUSANDS of illegal alien children with tuberculosis across the US.

The only reason this could happen is if Democrats and Uniparty Republicans are purposely trying to destroy this country.  At this point, there is no other explanation.



Humbly Irrelevant
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Yes, Patricia, this indeed is happening because the Democrats and Uniparty Republicans in name only (RINOs) are purposely trying to destroy this country, and at this point, there is no other explanation.

It is either a concerted and blatant effort to gain power in the NWO, or an ignorant display of selfishness to enrich their bank accounts.  Either way, they don't care about other human beings, about anything other than their love of money, and certainly they could not care less that we all perish and get out of their way.

They want us gone and they will soon have their wish.  Good luck to them -- they'll need it in Eternity while their souls burn in the Lake of Fire!

Jesus warned us about this scenario, and now WE ARE THERE!!!!

See you all soon!


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