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Please grant me the mercy of your prayer

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HI EVERYONE, I been very sick but stop by and read here as able. I once again come to you for prayer. My car whent dead, changed the batterie and found the fuel lined are broke. I can barely walk have rehab two times a week and doctor visits. I have very little money. Please pray the Lord provides a way to get my car running, I ask this of you knowing it must seem I'm always needy, well I am, but I humbly ask for your prayers for me. I always need the Lord in my life, I know He hears your prayers and may grant me mercy with health and my car. Thank you all, those who have keep me in their prayers and any prayer at any time by anyone just as blessed.
Love in Christ Blake :prayer-hands:

sorry to post in main forum but I needed it to be seen, thank you     :dieu: :dieu:

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Prayers for you, brother Blake, that the Lord provides for your needs and gives you His grace in you trials.

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Praying for you Blake. I hope the car gets fixed easily. also praying for healing.

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Please Lord, hear and honor the concerns of Blake's heart!  You are mighty in your compassion and provision God.  The Word tells us that You are beautiful for situation!  Have regard unto his frame, Lord.

Give him a witness and a testimony of Your love for him and praying also that Your Holy Spirit envelope his spirit.  Give him a peace that passeth all understanding!

Send someone to bring him assistance in every way.  And I thank You in advance for all the grace you will bless Blake with, in Jesus glorious name!


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Father, I lift up Blake before your throne of Grace. You know what is needed to strengthen him and give him ease in this world of necessary toil. I pray you work in his life to meet the need. Trusting you and holding you to your Word, in Jesus name.

Blake, even Paul suffered and prayed, 2 Corinthians 12:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

Psalm 37:25 “I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.”

Philippians 4:19 “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”


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Praise JESUS   final price 140$ towing labor and parts  miracles do happen, your prayers went to God's ears.
Bless you all with all my heart, cant wait to meet you in heaven.
God is love and mercy
praise His holy name

Thank and bless you in Jesus arms your prayers work God loves His Children
Love in Christ Blake

Thank you Lord Jesus for this family that are prayers and You hear us when we are in need

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Blake,  You are not "needy".  the devil is attacking you a lot because you are a christian who is living his life according to God's word and because you are a threat to him. You also seem to love Jesus, so the devil hates you even more. we need to go to church and a Bible study/life group to get support and not be isolated. because of your medical condition, you are unable to attend church or look for a Bible study group. This makes you more isolated and more vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy.

Maybe the reason others on Ritan are not suffering so much or seem "needy" is because they have a family or at least one relative who is a christian. maybe they are healthy enough to go for long walks, go to the gym,.......

so please don't feel bad about yourself and feel that you are "needy" that is not true and probably is another way the devil is attacking you. He loves to put you down and make you hesitate about posting prayer requests because the more people are praying for you the more breakthroughs you might get. he does not want that.

I hope that you will find a Christian in your building or your neighborhood and start having fellowship and support without having to worry about not being well enough for a long commute or car problems. If no one around   you is a Christian, then let's pray somebody gets touched by God and becomes one and you might find that person.

Dear Lord, I ask you to please help Blake. I ask for total healing and restoration. I pray that you send warrior angels to be in the his apartment and surround it. I pray that warrior angels always go ahead of him and fight his battles for him. I pray that you stop the enemy's attacks and cancel any plans he has for Blake.

I pray for his finances and that he never has problems with his car. If there is any christian in the neighborhood or building then please set up a divine appointment that they meet and start a fellowship and a Bible study.  If no one is a christian then please intervene, save someday and set up a divine appointment for that person to connect with Blake. please Lord let this happen soon.

I pray that Blake never thinks himself as needy ever again and he always thinks very highly of himself just like you think highly of him and are proud of him.

In Jesus' name.

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