Truly Lord, what joy fills your heart when those who love Christ honour You! Also true, just as like the veil in the Holy of Holies was rent in two, the Rapture will also rent in two the church! Christ's death precipitated the tearing of the veil, so too the Rapture will precipitate the tearing of the true Church from the the false church! TR The USA is a covenant nation, in that our founding fathers, being Christian, made covenant with God for the USA. If some devastating nuclear bomb were on the way, I think we Christians would be raptured first, particularly to honor the USA's covenant status. But when we are gone, so is that covenant agreement as there will be no one left to agree with. Lately I have been thinking perhaps Trump is not going to get very far with any plans to stay in office or any retribution against the evil doers that stole the election. I'm reminded of that verse that says "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, etc."; seems like Trump could be wrestling with the antichrist spirit which can only be defeated when the Lord Jesus comes back and takes out the antichrist ruler at His Second Coming. I saw a Bible Code that had this year and the "time of trouble" phrase. I can believe the time of trouble starts this year by everything I'm hearing. However, the rapture will be first, and I am so looking forward to that!
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