Please Fast and Pra...
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Please Fast and Pray w me Tues 1/19 from Sun Up to Sun Down

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(@Anonymous 161)
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I don't know what is going to happen this week but I know a lot is going on world wide and inside our country.

I am going to be in prayer and I'm going to fast from Sun Up to to Sun Down Tues January 19th.

Please join me in fasting and prayer.

Maranatha Maranatha Maranatha Father


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Agreed, so much and so many to pray for- :prayer-hands:

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Indeed!  God's will be done, and God be glorified!


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We'll be in prayer, Scott. :prayer-hands:

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Maybe this will be the sooner rather than later!


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I really believe we need to pray for forgiveness individually for known sins and cleansing of unknown sins and pray for repentance nationwide (really worldwide)...We've got to put all our faith, trust and hope in Jesus!!  We cannot as a nation (USA) overall keep denying Christ, ignoring God and grieving the Holy Spirit by neglecting to love and obey our Heavenly Father...I read ch.2-6 in Jeremiah this morning and had the fear of God come over me for our country...

Boulder95- thank you for the call to prayer of this body of Believers!

i'd like to add a request that we cry out for God's mercy to differentiate between those of us who are capable of genuinely answering His call to accept His Son- we who have accepted His offer and are sealed by Him (as well as those too young, too mentally ill, etc...who are innocent in His eyes by pardon or by their inability) from those who reject and rebel against Him...

please pray that for His glory and our good that He will take us out of the way completely by Rapture or will shield us and provide for all our needs if His judgement is truly about to fall on the USA by some kind of attack and/or worldwide with The Tribulation about to start...

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ugh, i keep having issues, sorry- i tried to edit that, but it didn't post- i just wanted to make sure people know that i know that if the Trib is about to start, i know He will Rapture us- whether or not we ask Him to cuz He said He will...

i just don't know for sure, if we don't ask humbly for Him to, whether or not we who belong to Him will be protected in a special way if the USA is attacked in some way as judgement upon a country He blessed in so many ways that has overall forgotten Him...i think we need to ask Him to and that He could then use us as a witness to His grace and lovingkindness so that others would want to repent and accept His offer of belong with Him for all eternity

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(@Anonymous 161)
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Sunrise where I live is 7:17 Sunset 5:15 Tues :prayer-hands:

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Being diabetic, I go into low blood sugar quickly!  But will be looking up and hopeful that the 19/20th will bring good news!

His will be done!  Ever looking for the Rapture!


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Praying Lord, that Your will be done!  As evil is being exposed in our nation and around the world, how timely were the Rapture to happen shortly thereafter!

Again Lord, whether the United States has found mercy in Your sight, or this is a prelude for the rapture, come quickly!

May Your universal plans continue to be fulfilled all to Your glory!  Let the "hound of Heaven", the Holy Spirit continue to speak to hearts and penetrate darkness!

And speaking against evil, say that the Lord will not be mocked or neither look away forever!  Let the glory of the Lord be manifested!

Lead and protect Trump and all Patriots who love You! Rescue Your bride!  Then turn Your full attention towards an unbelieving Israel and world!

We give you glory now, and wait to embrace You soon!


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