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Pentecost and Fig Tree generation speculations

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Patricia N.
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Dear Tenderreed and all,

I do not think Sean is saying "Thus sayeth the Lord."  I more agree with what Derrick has posted.

Since there is a lot of pushback against the codes, I will no longer post them.  But I, myself, will continue to look at them.

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Patricia, I hope you won’t stop posting interesting code finds. But we all come from different backgrounds and viewpoints doctrinally that cause us to look at things from different perspectives sometimes.  However I still find these things fascinating because while some of these codes flop as far as prophecy goes, some will testify in the future of events that God pre-ordained in the past and bring glory to Him.

Were you aware that the ancient rabbis believed that each person’s life was encoded in the Torah in some way?  I think it would be fascinating to find that when I get to heaven that God had worked some of my details into code, as well as you, as well as everyone else on here.  I believe He is brilliant enough to do it if He wanted to. Why would He do it?  Maybe just to put us in awe and show us that He could.

So if you ever come across a code that you would like to share but don’t know if it will be well received generally, feel free to PM me. I like to think of these codes like we understand worship music also, we all have our preferences-some like the old hymns and other like the new modern worship- it doesn’t make it wrong.
Some people find encouragement in the codes, others do not, again it doesn’t make it wrong, just a preference.  But I appreciate them for what they are, in no way a substitution for the Word of God, probably not even a substantial supplement to it, but nevertheless very fascinating and often encouraging. (At least until they flop- but then again how is that any different than the high watch days that come and go?)

Speaking of high watch days coming and going- hopefully today pans out!  It is getting closer to sundown in Israel so the odds are getting worse!  Hopefully it turns out to be a last minute, twinkling of an eye at sundown before the day ends kinda day and not another bust!

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I don’t consider Bible code’s as false prophecies just a dubious and flawed premise!


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We actually don’t know what we don’t know! We have finite brains and our creator God is infinite. Maybe the codes have information in them that we just do not know how to really interpret. :unsure:

I just listen to a video clip on Prophecy watcher with Tim Alberino regarding the verse in Revelation 4:6-8, very interesting and again, we obviously do not know what we do not know. God is so far beyond what we know and understand. Knowing that he loves us with a steadfast love and holds us in the palm of His hand, is even a concept that is hard to understand, just faith and trust in the one who is ALL in ALL!

Soon, we will be with him and I believe it will surprise many, the things that are so and we will do that palm of the hand slap to the forehead “I should have seen that” …. :calvin

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You can slap my head now Sis!


Patricia N.
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Thanks, Derrick,

Yes, I will PM you.  I do think everyone's life, or especially the important things we did or that happened to us are encoded in the Bible.

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Well, with two opportunities for Pentecost come and gone, lets hope the Essenes were right and look forward to the 15th - hopefully that day pans out! (Or sooner would be ok too!  I’m going to whine a little bit here - we are on day one of an extended 90s-100 heat wave with high humidity and I would not mind getting out of here sooner rather than later before I sweat into a puddle like the wicked witch -“I’m melting, melting!!!”)

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I’m just keeping my focus on Israel … they are our time clock.  I’m encouraged by what’s going to take place soon.  Here is an interesting update from WW65

“This may very well be the beginning of the end.  Nicaragua, Israel, Iran, Syrian and Russia

Starts @ 1:19



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