Peace Plan Update
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Peace Plan Update

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Do you think its possible we could still hear the “peace and safety” speech in 2019 vs 2020?   B-)


Jerusalem Post  10/18/19

WASHINGTON – The US peace team is expected to visit Israel and Saudi Arabia by the end of the month, sources familiar with the matter told The Jerusalem Post.

Jared Kushner, Brian Hook and Avi Berkowitz will arrive in Jerusalem on October 27 and are expected to meet with both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White co-leader Benny Gantz. The purpose of the visit is to gain a better understanding of the coalition formation process, as the team is still considering when it should release the political component of the administration’s peace plan

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said on Wednesday that the administration is waiting for a coalition in Israel to be formed so the plan can be released.

“We want a government, we desperately want a government – we want a government as much as Israelis do,” he told Israel National News in an interview.

“Israel is disserved by having this transitionary [sic] period for so long,” he added. “When the government is formed, no matter who forms the government, we’ll put out the plan, and we’ll do so in a way that we can immediately guide the government’s response to the plan.”

Friedman said no one should be required to leave his home as a part of a future peace agreement.

“Having seen the experience of the evacuation of Gaza, I don’t believe that there is a realistic plan that can be implemented that will require anyone, Jew or Arab, to be forced to leave their home,” Friedman said. “That would be a recipe for disaster. It almost caused a civil war on much, much less aggressive circumstances in Gaza, compared to Judea and Samaria. So we are not of the view that any forced evacuations are achievable. And I say that for both Jewish and Arab perspectives.”

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Possible? Certainly, unveiling the precursor to the false covenant or the actual false covenant, that is the question for sure. So many pieces of this zillion piece puzzle are falling into place before our eyes, very hard to keep up, amazing how God orchestrates all of this with such precision. What a Great God we serve! :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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Indeed with regards to the timing of the Rapture there are a myriad of variables, most of which only God is privy to!  Which ever day it occurs upon, only in hindsight will we glorify God for the picking of that one lone day.

Even though we can't predictably calculate "that" day, we can most certainly long for it and be anxious for it!

Indeed what triggers the exact moment of birth, human or animal?!  What regulates and motivates the caterpillar's exit from it's cocoon?!  Or who can know the exact moment of their death?!  Will it be based upon celestial alignments?  A calendar date?  Which calendar?  And which one to our present knowledge is accurate?  Will it be based upon the politic's of man?  A Feast Day?  A historic marker memorialized?

What precipitated the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah , or the timing of the Flood, or the day that Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden?!

God's choice of timing in all of these matters are beyond human anticipation, calculation or explanation!  Seems to me that this is where faith and the patience of the saints is extracted by God!  Our love of Him compels us keep searching His word and His heart!

This is why that it is only false prophets who presumptuously predict, claiming divine knowledge.  For the rest of us, we view things from afar.  But the Lord is pleased with our hearts and with our feeble but heartfelt attempts!!!  For we are instructed to position our hearts by saying, Lord willing.

Lord willing, the Rapture is near.  Lord willing, He will continue to instruct His children.  Lord willing, He will speak a word before it occurs!!!






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TR - nice description regarding the birthing process, we are aware of when labor begins (the water may break, the contractions come stronger and stronger). What drives caterpillars to cocoon, bears to hibernate, or salmon to swim upstream to spawn, all at designated times, is known as instinct, God driven, yes!

Do we truly have to know when he is calling us home, no, not really, can we, sure, if he designs it so, as Jesus told the Pharisees, no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah and the whale, for a wicked generation seeks after a sign. We too have had a myriad of signs, so many that we can’t keep up, “when you see all these things come to pass, look up, your redemption draws near”, I would say we are at that door! He has given us way more signs, so keep the lamps trimmed and lighted for the bridegroom is coming, at any moment! :yahoo: :flyup: :prayer-hands:

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Bless your heart Sis.  I abhor having a presumptuous spirit before the Lord, and any who does.

As I have already shared, for some time the Lord has led me to ask of Him, "who am I, Lord" .  Having accepted the heart set behind this approach He has recently, directed me to then add, "look at who You are Lord"!  I believe that this says it all!

Indeed many signs of the times already and more to come.  But many seem to confuse why these signs are given by Him.  I don't believe that it is for the purpose of ascertaining the exact day of the Rapture, but rather to prepare ourselves and our hearts for meeting Him!  Building our anticipation by reason of not being taken unaware.



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TR, I would agree with you as I have felt for many months now, the Father impressing me to keep a short wick, if you will forgive the illustration. It seems I must constantly be on my face before God in preparation to leave. I am right there with you in proclaiming that we should be ready at any moment to meet our beloved. In my spirit, I feel so unworthy to see the bridegroom, I stand with Paul, “of sinners, I am chief...” yet by faith I am ready to take that flight, the sooner the better, in my opinion. And I do feel it is far sooner. Looking up! Maranatha :prayer-hands:

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PM Netanyahu has until this Wednesday to form a government then it goes back to President Rivlin who decides if Gantz gets a try at one. If neither group can form a government, Israel goes to a third round of elections that would occur in 2020...

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There is no doubt about it ... we are certainly in some type of spiritual holding pattern with Israel not being able to form a unified government.

I just read Jason Greenblatt, architect of Trump’s peace plan, last day is Oct 31st, he leaves his post on All Saints Day, Nov 1st.

A friend emailed and said “group leader of the Signs and Seasons group believes we might see the peace plan and that the rapture might even happen around 31 October when the Brexit happens and thus begins upheaval among countries around the world followed by war and then the announced peace plan.”

Still have my eyes on the Church exit occurring on Halloween  ..  great day for it to occur with the graves of the saints opening up and our bloody clothes and shoes getting left behind!   B-)


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Again the Lord's blood is sufficient for all our sins.  And truly none of us is worthy of either salvation nor of being given His heart!  Fact remains, we have been chosen by Him!

Let us glory in His heart, rather than ours!


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Geri7 There's no doubt about it in my mind that God is holding things back.

This article is from about a month ago but I think it sums up the situation pretty good.

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