Note: Inspired by a song by artist Neil Young OUT OF THE BLACK Out of the black and into the blue, Searching for answers without any clue; Stretching my neck and searching each cloud, My faith denied – not to be spoken out loud. His appearing is close, the end is so near, Those with ears are the ones that can hear; We don’t need a map or more explanation, To know the WAY to our DESTINATION. The Lord is coming to split the sky, Pride and arrogance should say good-bye. Anger and debate should be driven away, Our Lord is coming as soon as TODAY!! There’s lightning above us and thunder proceeds, We should have our heads down and be on our knees; Smugness should recede as humility arises, The Lord is ready with all His surprises. We need to stop all the kindergarten behavior, And place our fate in the Hands of our Savior; What gain is it to win some stupid fight, When Jesus could be here as soon as TONIGHT? Look up, don’t look at yourself, You can’t gain Heaven from some book on the shelf; Jesus is Lord, stop playing your game, In the end you will be the only one to blame. Choose Jesus now while you still have the opportunity -- it will be the best choice you have ever made! Humbly Well said! TR