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Our Strategic Oil Reserves to China and India!

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I missed your post here on the Guidestones Geri, and removed mine! So interesting!


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Yep, very interesting indeed … then there is this-

Why did they put those satanic stones in that particular area of GA?  Because its exactly ….

666 miles from the Cleopatras Needle Obelisk in Central Park 




And is also 666.78 miles to UN headquarters

someone in the comment section said
If it was a bombing like the mainstream says it was, the last thing they would do is demolish the rest of it on the same day, as it would be an active crime scene.  I'm leaning towards it being some esoteric ritual that means something specific to the Satanists behind the NWO.


another pointed out while this happened …  Boris Johnson steps down …

So the UK is having new elections in October. This article talks about the top 11 candidates that might run for the spot. No way do I think that BoJo resigned just because he wanted to. Politicians claw their way to the top and they don't give that power up for just no reason.

And Israel is having it's 5th election in 3 years in November after the Bennett gov't crumbled. Yair Lapid has a very strong central base but doesn't have any coalition partners, which he will need to get 62 seats in the Knesset. Netanyahu will try to pull another rabbit out of the hat.

Until then … Israel is weak with Yair Lapid as leader.  And what did Lapid do as soon as he became PM of Israel?  He went to visit Macron. :wacko:

Per Geoffrey Grider’s article




In comment section:

What I'm saying is, in the midst of the NWO-manufactured food crisis, energy crisis, economic crisis and environmental crisis, we're going to have elections in 2 very prominent countries (Great Britain/Israel). Both of these countries are major players, especially Israel, and whoever ends up on these thrones are going to be part of the end times production being put on.

Lapid's visit: The Youtube commentator describes Lapid as "Political bed-brothers with Macron". What an epitaph. The big hug, the walking arm and arm, both centrists, both agree that the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) isn't enough but is starting ground for them to work on....oh my goodness! Are we watching the AC breaking ground on something that will eventually lead to the covenant of Daniel 9:27? I think maybe we are.

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And Joe Biden post phoned his June trip for July … so he is expected to visit Israel, the West Bank and Saudi Arabia next week … July 13th - 16th … and rumors are  to divide east from west Jerusalem and to give to the Palestinians to make their capital … so will there be a “peace and safety” speech given that day?   Do we fly out before it happens?  Or will we still be here to watch more of the side kick show a little longer?  :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

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Or do we fly upward on Feast of Trumpets  9/25 - 9/27 … and  Daniel 9:27  occurs?

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week”  ….

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I am leaning towards and hoping for BEFORE Feast of trumpets and here is why:

IF this year is a Shmitta year as we have so often speculated and IF the next Shmitta cycle is the same time period of the 7 year tribulation, then would it not stand to reason if the Shmitta cycle is an overlay to that tribulation period then Feast of Trumpets would be DAY ONE of that cycle?  Therefore I would think that the covenant with the many could be signed on that day, but I would think that we would have to be out of here before day one of the trib - that’s why I am speculating our departure must be before Rosh Hashanna/Feast of trumpets - even if it is they day before Elul 29 the last day of the Shmitta cycle.  (Maybe thats a hint too, many references are made as to the resurrection happening on the “last day”). So what are your thoughts on this?

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I am very much in the camp of before the trumpets as I see that time, FOT and atonement in the fall as the signing of the covenant time....I don't see any indication of the covenant being signed at this time and I don't see the need for a man with a plan unless there is worldwide chaos, the kind that only the rapture will bring. I also tend to think that when the Lord intervenes supernaturally on Israel's behalf (gog magog) it will not be when the church is still here....it will be when His attention is turned completely back to Israel to complete her determined time. I am really pumped about the next few weeks....late pentecost, or tisha b'av, just feeling that we're here, and any day now!! :flyup:

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"Congress and Biden sending some of our strategic oil reserves, not to Americans needing relief at the pump, but to China and India! "

yep, sending OUR oil reserves to China . . to a Chinese company which Hunter Biden has interests~

It's through Hunter Biden's links to Sinopec, in which he, through an equity firm, previously bought a $1.7 billion stake.

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Trump is on Newsmax Sat. evening 7 pm ET from Alaska for a rally I presume.  Gee, I wonder if he will have anything to talk about? LOL.


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Read Elon Musk is going to back out on Twitter acquisition. Not that I think he is necessarily on our side, but there may go the chance for Twitter to actually become fair and balanced and let all sides be heard.


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I see Yahoo is finally permitting free speech again to comment on their “articles”.   They shut it down right before covid claiming “people were posting nasty comments”. 🙄    I believe it was so … “no uprising and speaking up against the vaxx, wearing masks, etc.”   As always … the comments sections is waaay more entertaining than their articles so I’m enjoying and 😂 on the free entertainment comments once more.

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For instance …   Potsi is running for mayor …


Here are just some of funny early comments …

Mayor Potsi will bring Ojai back to "Happy Days"

Will Pinky Tuscadero be his press secretary? Just asking for Mrs. Cunningham.

Potsie for Mayor, Ralph for Governor, Fonzie for POTUS and Ritchie for Speaker!!!! They can NOT do any worse than what we have now!!!!

Sit on it, Potsi

Darker tint glasses and he'd look like Roy Orbison.😂

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