Our longings aside....
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Our longings aside...

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Again Lord our longing to be in Your presence aside, we pray that You are mindful of our needs.  For with every day that passes, evil and wicked flourishes!  As such Lord, we all endure much suffering.  The family of Man indeed suffers great personal loss!  Come Lord, that our sufferings end!  For both saved and sinner alike.  Come rescue the crown of Your creation, in which You have invested in.   Let Your love and heart be touched by our infirmities of body, soul and spirit!  May Your wonderous compassion take premminance for sending Your Son once again to recieve those You have given Him!  Being a father as well, I beseech Your heart our Heavenly Father!  Save us from ourselves, for Yourself!  TR

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:amen:    So looking for this day when .... “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4

Posts: 8052
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Illustrious Member
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Bless His heart and yours!  TR
