OUR CANDLE IN THE DARKNESS He is our candle in the darkness, Shining from quite afar, Piercing softly through the stillness, He is the Bright and Morning Star. The sojourn home has been a long one, Filled with strife and loss, But each time the bridge was out, We felt Him urge us to swim across. Light now dispels the darkness, Fast approaching is the dawn, Pain and anguish will be faded remnants, This lingering shadow will have finally passed on. Our travels have been so difficult, We have sought a calming Light, And now we can see Him flickering, Through this cold and endless night. A righteous course has been traversed, Divine Intervention stands at the door, A resplendent Beam illuminates our path, To a Utopia never experienced before. Here on Earth we have persevered, And are ALMOST where we should be, Our time of sacrifice is nearly done, Soon, we will enjoy our rewards in Eternity!! Hang in, hang on, hang tight, hang ten! Humbly Indeed, in the darkness a candle glows. Your verse of prose reminds me of a couple of secular songs of yesteryear! Take a listen to a song called I believe by Frankie Lane. Another song I've always like is called HE! Enjoy the tunes. TR Indeed the light of the world represented as a candle, as like on a Menorah! How appropriate. TR