ON THE WINGS OF HORSES Pegasus was just a myth, But some "scholars" have taken it seriously, They mount astride the backs of horses, While exalting themselves so imperiously. They perceive themselves in flight, Disdaining those more scripturally-founded, And on wings of horses they thunder aloud, Leaving those on the ground astounded. They try to deceive you with their theories, Conjectured suppositions ramble on, The Word is twisted to fit their paradigm, Claiming that dusk is really dawn. These "scholars" don’t care much for Imminence, Winning their argument is all that matters, Truth and reason are unnecessary encumbrances, Solid doctrine should be left in tatters. The Blessed Hope has become irrelevant, The wings of horses have lifted them higher, There is no need to take any comfort, In a Rapture for which only the ignorant aspire. But I read the Bible so differently, The Lord promised to keep us from His Wrath, I don’t need to fly around on Pegasus, When I can walk The Narrow Path. It is almost time for flight, And a mythological horse will encounter trouble, While the Raptured go where only eagles dare, The stubborn will remain to dismount in rubble. So the haughty can chase the wind, Ascending and descending on horses regal, I won’t be distracted by their postulations, I’ll happily soar on the wings of an eagle. I'm not very cool, so all I can say is farm out, right arm, and out of state! Peace out Brethren! Humbly Agree, LOL with your salutations TR