Check this out .... Brexit new coins is scheduled to be ready on October 31st and the words minted “Peace Prosperity and Friendship with all nations”. Hmmm ... coins will be handed out on Halloween Day ... the same day that satan claimed as his own. I also believe it was the earthly birthday of Jesus too. How ironic if the rapture happens on this day. While the world will be celebrating halloween and partying to satan ... the graves will open up for the saints to rise and then we go up and disappear ... celebrating and partying up in heaven on Jesus’ birthday! Theory of October 31st birthday for Jesus Luke 1:5 The “course of Abia” ended July 31st and that’s when Zacharias priestly duties ended. He went home that night and Elizabeth became pregnant to John the Baptist. When Mary was pregnant she visited Elizabeth ... John the Baptist was 6 months in her womb leaping for joy at the Good News ... that would have been January 31st. Then 9 months later would make it October 31st. And we know Jesus is always on time, never late. I think satan stole the holiday away because he wishes to be like God. Millions Of Brexit Coins To Be Minted For October 31 EU Independence Celebration ZeroHedge Millions of special 50p Brexit coins are to be minted and ready to spend in time to mark Britain's exit from the European Union, under plans being drawn up by the Chancellor. Sajid Javid, who is also Master of the Mint, has asked officials to look at whether the seven-sided coins can be produced in huge volumes in time for exit day on October 31. The decision will be seen as a statement of intent that the Treasury is fully behind Brexit now that its predecessor Philip Hammond, who was mistrusted by Brexiteers for his gloomy prognosis on leaving the EU, has returned to the back-benches. -Fair Use- Interesting, not following the math though. If Elizabeth was impregnated July 31st, adding 9 months would be April.? TR Yes, Elizabeth birthed John the Baptist. John the Baptist was born 6 months earlier than Jesus. Mary became pregnant in January and visited Elizabeth to share the Good News and Jesus was born 9 months later in his earthly body that would bring it to October 31st. Sorry, I can't count that high! We are also told that when Jesus was born, the shepherds were in the fields with their flocks. Does that make Oct viable? TR Was He also a full term baby?! Guess we have to assume that! My being born in the 7th month would make me wonder. Oct 31st does have some history! TR LOL ... I understand ... I have problems sometimes with math as well. When I googled Is there winter in Bethlehem? The winter months in Bethlehem are from November to March and although it does get cold the Bethlehem winter weather is still warm compared to European winters. ... January and December are the months when there is most likely to be rain in Bethlehem, Israel and they are also Bethlehem's coldest months. Yes, I believe Jesus made it full term (9 months) and I believe the angels were there helping Mary with the delivery process and clean up. Indeed, angelic midwives! The birth of Christ appearing on the Earth, His resurrection and ascension, the Rapture of the Church and His second coming, these and many other points of time in human history indeed will not only be remembered but immortalized forever! Again it is such a joy to share these moments in time with Church family! Those who have a like heart towards God and Christ, and share His eternal relationship with us throughout the history of man, will forever glory together! How grateful to be able to glory in all things Christ, with each of you now! Each of you are His beloved! Ergo, mine as well! May the day of our Blessed Hope catch us neither asleep or unawares! Let us then unite into a strong assembly never leaving nor forsaking Him! TR We have the Jewish new year prior to Oct 31st. Given the peace and safety initiative and the possible building of the third Temple in the offing, these standout as two of the most prominent aspects of biblical prophecy yet to be fulfilled! As such we most certainly have reason to believe that our redemption draweth nigh! We also are living in perilous and exciting times. Again, as like with either a marriage or the expectant birth of a child, the exact timing of the day takes second place to the glorious event itself! I'm not expecting any "brownie" points to be handed out for the one who picks the correct day, but kudos for all who have patiently watched and waited. For then we shall be clothed with His righteousness and glory, as unworthy as we all are! What grace which has directed His heart towards us! What love which caused Christ to climb upon a cross in our stead! All of Heaven and Earth shall one day rejoice, with one voice exalting our Creator, our Messiah, and the lover of our souls! What else can we do than to ascribe all honor, power and glory to the only One who is deserving?! My prayer is that whatever praise, worship and tokens of affection I offer will encourage the saints to do likewise! This is my agenda! I don't need an audience to share my heart with God. Nor could I impress God or anyone else. All the glory belongs to God! And each of you is part of that glory! TR The day after Halloween is "All Saints' day"
There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife wasof the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
By Tyler Durden
So October 31st is running close ... but made it by 1 day before officially being winter. Cool ... just in time, eh? :whistle:
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