Oct 31st is coming....
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Oct 31st is coming...

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True but the Lord also wants us to walk by faith not by sight and to trust Him.

I find it interesting even though we have knowledge of future prophetic events recorded for us to be on the alert for ... Psalm 83, Isaiah 17 & Ezekiel 38 ... it still remains a mystery of when they will unfold ... has Psalm 83 already happened or is it a future event?  Will the church still be here to witness Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38 or are we raptured out before it occurs? :unsure:

Right now we see Israel is currently living in a false sense of security even though they don’t have a unified government because they are relying on their friendship with the Trump Administration.  Since there is no guarantee Trump will win a 2nd term .... the timeframe of this false sense of security is certainly narrowing down ... so perhaps that might be a clue to us that the Biblical wars will indeed occur very soon and the church does a big disappearance act! :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

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I agree Sis, as we don't have any assurances that Trump will win a second election.  If he is indeed ousted and Bibi as well, I would think the Rapture would be right at the very door.   Trump is certainly the USA's last president before the Rapture, or so I believe.  And if Bibi is also ousted, then construction on the Third Temple will begin!  Also a very large sign that we are outta here.

If both Trump and Bibi are indeed reelected, then we may be here till 2020 or later!


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Rats, so Oct 31st quickly came and went.  :negative:   Well on a positive note I’m sure we all have left over Halloween candy we can munch on while we watch and wait. B-)

So we have Lee’s high watch dates of Nov 2, 9, 11 and T.R.’s 21 :mail:  to look  to ... :popcorn

Leaving Soon
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Geri7... Another positive note is that Target usually has big bags of candy like 50% off !

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Yes indeed, Leaving Soon, Target is a great store to stock up on a variety of discount candy! :good:   I’m sure you did this too .. stuffed the Christmas Stockings with the discount candy from Halloween.  Its a great way to keep the cost down.  I also had to stuff Loot Bags with assorted candy for those who played the elf game.  5 kids played and about 7 adults as well ... I also included candy canes and Brach’s Christmas nougats yum!  I’m craving them right now.  But the bulk of the chocolate candy came from the discount Halloween bags from Target!  From 1999 - 20o9 we entertained at Christmas about 20 something people for 3 weeks straight so lots of candy, holiday cookies, chips, etc. had to handy for them to snack on. Those party days unfortunately  ended when my parents got ill.  Its been 5 years since I’ve been in a Target because the nearest one is in upstate NY.   I miss that store ... you’re fortunate to have one in your city. :yes:


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