Not feeling it yet....
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Not feeling it yet...

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Thanks, Tammie, for your suggestions.  I returned the expensive air fryer dud and went for the el cheapo Black & Decker 4 slice no thrills toaster oven ... got it for under $30.  By the time I got home I was to tired to open it up and try it out.  Went to a few stores to get the rest of my prep supplies.  It was a mad house everywhere I went with the long lines and people stocking up their shopping carts with food, pet food and necessity supplies.  They sense something is up.  Nobody seemed happy ... and a few looked like zombies walking around because they were wearing scary halloween costumes.  Looked like cern opened up the bottomless pit.  :wacko:

If we are still here tomorrow afternoon I will check the B&D toaster and try using it.   I don’t expect to be here when the 2 yr warranty expires. B-)


Meanwhile I see in the news ...

Boris Johnson announces month-long national lockdown of England

I think New York Gov Cuomo is competing with CA Gov Newsom for the biggest idiot Governor title ... check out his new rules ... I’m so glad my dog’s surgery is over with.  The animal hospital he was at is only 10 miles from Gov Cuomo’s office in Albany and I would be under these new restrictions by crossing over the state line.  Gotta wonder now if this applies to the truck drivers ... will this delay food and supplies to the stores and restaurants and medical facilities? :scratch:

NEW YORK — New York is replacing its COVID-19 travel advisory list with a new policy mandating travelers go through a testing process when coming to the state, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday.

The governor shared the news on a conference call with reporters, saying that with nearly every state on the advisory list, experts suggested shifting to a testing policy would now be more effective.

Previously, travelers from states with significant community spread of COVID-19 were required to self-quarantine for 14 days on arrival to New York.

Now, the state's new policy requires travelers must have tested negative for the virus within 3 days of their arrival to New York and have proof of the test. Then, once they've arrived, travelers must quarantine for three days. On the fourth day, travelers must get tested for the virus again.

If the test on the fourth day is negative, travelers are free to go about their business. If it's positive, travelers must quarantine for 14 days.

New Yorkers who travel outside of the state for less than 24 hours must get tested for COVID-19 within 4 days of their return to the state.

If travelers choose not to get tested at all, they must remain quarantined for the 14 day period.

The testing policy applies to every state except New York's neighboring states.

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And NJ governor is also getting on the bandwagon ... lockdown:  “If we have to shut the whole place down (entire state) we will”

The executive order goes into effect at 6 a.m. on Nov. 5. It requires employers in both the public and private sector to, among other things, conduct daily health checks of workers, such as temperature screenings and visual symptom checking. Employers must also notify workers when there is possible exposure to the virus and provide them with breaks throughout the day to wash their hands.

Another lockdown could be the final blow to hundreds of small businesses in the state, including restaurants, which recently reopened their indoor dining at 25% capacity.

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Just wondering if the 2nd time lock down wave is because they got knowledge of the rapture event, or is it they expect chaos on the streets after the election results and/or just want to tank everything for the mega Global reset? :unsure:


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Nobody knows any of those calendar dates for sure!
Only Jesus, ABBA, and the Holy Spirit know! The different Dogmas of the churches over the last 2000 years messed it all up! Forbidden books, sea scrolls, etc., all hidden and manipulated plus the majority of the Body of Yeshua did not really discern those things except a few! I wonder which calendar the Apostle Paul used? Or Luke, the Doctor, because there are many dates in the New Testament!
In any case, we know the day is near, because we KNOW that we are in the season!
The day will not catch the Watcher, like us, by surprise! 1 Thess. 5. !!!

We just don’t know the exact moment! But there is a war right now in the second Heaven, like Elisha saw in the Book of Kings. We just don’t see those things here on earth, but we now all feel this very intense! The Warfare is high with all those open portals, and today is the worst evil unholy day ever celebrated!

Jesus, on His Warhorse, is coming soon!
Any moment now!


Maranatha! ????⚡️⚔️?





Lee Giblin
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We had some strange weather this morning. Sun was out, a nice 70*, Then POW the heavens opened for 5 min and it poured. OK we need the rain. Sun came back out and a half hour later repeat. Sun came our went to the porch and then AGAIN - it poured! And poured! Then the wind came and I said maybe Jesus is coming on the storm. 30 min of what looked and felt like mini hurricane and all is very quiet, no rain, and no wind and cloudy. I was on a kinda high alert for 11:11 AM on 11/1. Oh well. Tomorrow...

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I was bummed out to as I went around my home resetting all the clocks. :negative:  On the bright side ... I got plenty of payday candy bars to munch on as we watch and wait for our payday of the Blessed Hope to arrive ... perhaps in Nov. :popcorn


In Daymond Duck’s article “Closing In” he says ...

On Oct. 23, 2020, Pres. Trump announced that Sudan has agreed to a peace treaty with Israel, and he added that “There are many, many more coming.”

This is not the covenant with many, but many are signing or preparing to sign a peace treaty, and it could be a major step toward the covenant with many.

Trump was asked if he will have a signing ceremony at the White House for Israel and Sudan like the one he had for the UAE and Bahrain and Israel.

He replied, “We will have them along with some other countries that you’ll be hearing about coming, probably simultaneously. Then ultimately, we’re going to have a big reunion at the end where everybody’s here and everybody’s gonna be signed. We expect Saudi Arabia is going to be one of those countries.”

Ultimately, there will be a reunion and signing for all (many) of the nations that have normalized relations with Israel.

This is beginning to sound like it could develop into the covenant with many.

One thing is sure, the Arabs are beginning to separate themselves from the Palestinians and to move closer to a peace treaty with Israel.

It is an enormous step forward in Bible Prophecy with major implications for the Rapture, the rise of Antichrist, the Tribulation Period and more.

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So perhaps we are here to see this BIG reunion signing ceremony before flying away? :unsure:

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(@Anonymous 394)
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I’m feeling it! Tired of it all. Went to church this morning. We have a great preacher that just preaches the Word. Rare. And a great congregation. I had to search long and hard before I found this Church. Anyway, as I was walking up to the door the head deacon told me our pastor has Covid and is sick. I was visiting with him Thursday, so I thought I had better come home so I don’t spread it. I feel fine though. Pray for Pastor Bill. I will quarantine myself just in case.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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I feel like everything is in place. I don’t see how things could be “more ready.” We certainly don’t need anymore signs, even though we may get some more.

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I agree Kent!

That said, no more signs, just a quickening of our spirits!


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(@Anonymous 394)
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If we do have any more signs, well they be more of the same, but more frequent? Or will they be on an even more severe level? Who knows.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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A lot of mores there! :mdrmdr:

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