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Well, as long as they don't enact any of it until after the rapture, have at it boys.

5The Lord is at your right hand;
he will shatter kings on the day of his wrath.
6He will execute judgment among the nations,
filling them with corpses;
he will shatter chiefs
over the wide earth.


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On one of Craig Bong's recent videos he laughs that during the Trib God will stop the wind and send huge hailstorms to the earth which will destroy solar panels and render wind mills useless. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:  Glad I won't be here but watching from the balconies of Heaven. I wonder if we'll be allowed to throw paper airplanes at the earth? 😉

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Prison Planet :wacko:



by Geoffrey Grider

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the ‘C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group’, which has an ‘ambitious target’ by the year 2030 of ‘0 kg of meat consumption’, ‘0 kg of dairy consumption’, ‘3 new clothing items per person per year’, ‘0 private vehicles’ owned, and ‘1 short-haul return flight every 3 years per person.’

If the question is ‘is there a plan by highly-funded and shadowy organizations to use climate intimidation to take away all animal products, fossil fuel and private vehicle ownership?’, the answer is an absolute and resounding ‘yes!’ It is happening all around us, and in fact, they people behind this aren’t really trying very hard to hide it. The UN brags about it in their ‘Agenda 2030’, and King Charles has already called for a ‘military-style campaign’ costing trillions of dollars to make it happen.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5

Now a pilot program to best determine how these things will be implemented is already underway, dealing with what they call ‘consumption-based emissions’. In order to get rid of that, people will no longer be allowed to eat meat, dairy products or privately own vehicles of their own choosing. This will be led by the people who now control just about everything, the billionaires and oligarchs like Bill Gates, George Soros, Elon Musk, King Charles, and Emmanuel Macron, and through organizations like the United Nations. Governments around the world will pass Climate Change mandates into law, and just like that, you choices will no longer be your choices. We will tell you all about this on our Friday Podcast, Lord willing, it will astound you.

These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles By 2030

From the FEDERALIST: C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its ‘The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World’ report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include

Los Angeles
New Orleans
New York City
San Francisco
Washington, D.C.

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Paul R
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Paper planes... what a grand idea! I'll join you with that one :yes:

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by Geoffrey Grider

India has become the first nation to land on the south pole of the moon after its Chandrayaan-3 touched the lunar surface Wednesday.
After decades of no one landing on the Moon, interest in doing just that is now off the charts. Russia sent up a craft that crashed yesterday, surprising no one, leaving the nation of India to beat everyone else in landing on the south pole of the Moon in their Chandrayaan-3 rocket.

The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” Psalm 115:16

Your King James Bible is quite clear when it tells you that while man has been given dominion over the earth, he is in no way been authorized or empowered to exert dominion in Outer Space. Mankind since the mid-20th century has been begging for ‘contact from beyond’, and sooner rather than later the LORD is going to allow that to happen. I fully expect we will make contact with the fallen angel ‘space aliens’ before the Rapture of the Church takes place.😳 🥴

India WINS the space race to the moon’s South Pole: Chandrayaan-3 makes history by landing on the icy lunar region – beating Russia, China and the USA

From the Daily Mail UK: The craft, which means ‘moon vehicle’ in Hindi and Sanskrit, landed on the South Pole – beating the US, China and Russia to the unmapped region. The South Pole is an uncharted territory that scientists believe could hold vital reserves of frozen water and precious elements. A lander with a rover tucked inside touched down at 8:34 am ET, sparking cheers and applause among the space scientists watching in the southern Indian city of Bengaluru.


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There is so much news, I am not sure if this has been posted. At 27:35 they talk about Biden working with the UN and "close" to declaring executive order on climate emergency.

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Wow, thanks.  They're making it sound like soon.   Couldn't they at least wait until after Feast of Trumpets?

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The article was dated August 14 and it hasn't happened yet.  But just think about the sudden destruction that happens when they say peace and safety and we leave.  That will  be the perfect event to blame on climate change.

Patricia N.
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U.K. Population Collapse “Good for the Planet”, WEF Adviser Prof Sarah Harper Explains:

Remember how depopulation was called a right-wing conspiracy theory? Things have changed, and ‘population collapse’, which can no longer be denied, is now good for us!

Prof Harper told the Telegraph: “I think it’s a good thing that the high-income, high-consuming countries of the world are reducing the number of children that they’re having. I’m quite positive about that.”

The academic said declining fertility in rich countries would help to address the “general overconsumption that we have at the moment”, which has a negative impact on the planet.
Most importantly, declines in births will bring about reductions in CO2 emissions from wealthy nations, Prof Harper points out:

Research has found that wealthy nations tend to have much larger carbon footprints than poorer countries, as rich people can afford to buy more goods, travel more and do other activities that generate emissions.

Carbon emissions from high-income countries were 29 times larger than low-income countries on a per capita basis in 2020, World Bank figures show.

. . . However, something entirely different is going on! While the population of local-born natives is no longer reproducing at the levels needed to maintain the population, new immigration picks up. It accounts for a larger and larger share of births!

While the number of births in Britain is declining, the share of children born to parents who immigrated from outside Britain has hit a record high.

This inconsistency is not something I can quite understand: New immigrants want to consume just as much as native residents. Why encourage immigration from poor countries to rich countries if the goal is a reduction of carbon and other emissions that would occur due to declines in the population of rich countries?

. . . What do they really want?

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This inconsistency is not something I can quite understand: New immigrants want to consume just as much as native residents. Why encourage immigration from poor countries to rich countries if the goal is a reduction of carbon and other emissions that would occur due to declines in the population of rich countries?

The idea is to dilute the national identity to the point that there isn't one. Same in America. The elite believe they will have the upper hand on a group of people with no loyalty to their country. Killing them off later won't be nearly as difficult.

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