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Patricia N.
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Welcome to Transhumanist Hell: Scientists Create ‘Synthetic Human Embryo’:

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology and the University of Cambridge in Britain have used stem cells to create what they call a “synthetic human embryo.” The scientists involved promise they will use the technology for research purposes and not to produce transhuman nightmares beyond our comprehension.

The “embryos” were made without sperm or egg cells, and do not contain a beating heart of anything that resembles a brain. However, as the Guardian reports, they “include cells that would typically go on to form the placenta, yolk sac and the embryo itself.”

Laws in the UK would prevent a synthetic embryo from being implanted into a human womb, even if they were capable of developing into a fully-fledged child, which is not clear from the Cambridge-Caltech study. However, scientists say they can use the proto-embryos for research purposes.

“It’s important to clarify that although the authors referred to them as ‘synthetic’ embryos, these cell clusters are not truly synthetic in the sense that they are created from scratch,” said Akerman.  “Instead, they are derived from living stem cells that originate from an embryo. Essentially, what scientists do is cultivate a single stem cell and encourage its growth into an organized group of cells that, in theory, possess the potential to develop into an implantable embryo.”

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Freaky stuff … talk about mad scientists in the lab room.

isn’t this like cloning?   They got the cloning labs all over and they been cloning famous people for a few years.  Makes you wonder if they eventually knock off the real people if they don’t obey orders and their clones are walking about doing the evil agenda and they are in-dwelt by demons?  Because of this verse …

Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Patricia N.
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I read somewhere today that if they make real babies, and you know they eventually will, those children would not have souls.  Not sure if that's true because they are using stem cells.

But what I read suggested that if these synthetic babies have no souls, they could be inhabited by demons.

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3–4 minutes

Citizens in **MANY** areas of the U.S.A. are startled that tanks, troops, assault aircraft are BEING DEPLOYED on the streets throughout the U.S.A. today, Saturday, June 17.  Video below shows tanks on the highways of Idaho, Osprey Helicopters dropping Marines in California residential neighborhoods, and trainloads of military armor moving in Montreal, Quebec, CANADA.

We begin in Larksper, California where United States Marine Corps OSPREY aircraft are dropping troops into residential neighborhoods:

Larskper, CA is shown on the scalable map below, and gives the military direct control over the 101 Highway into/out-of San Francisco via Golden Gate Bridge, as well as the I-580 Highway:

This video is also showing up on Social media -- TODAY -- as seen below:

Next, we received video from people living in Idaho, showing a group of M1A1 Abrams battle tanks, operating on the roads of Idaho Falls, ID.  NOT on flatbed trailers being moved, but instead actually operating ON THE PUBLIC ROADS:

Idaho Falls is shown on the scalable map below.   Idaho Falls puts the military in direct control of the I-15 Highway which is the main route for much of the northwestern USA:

These images are also being shared on social media -- TODAY -- as seen below:

Lastly (for now) we show video of a train full of military armor and other equipment, has moved into Montreal, Quebec, CANADA and stopped for unloading.

Why is Canada putting military hardware into one of its largest cities on a Saturday?

I have spoken to several military sources who tell me "this is not a drill.  Drills get advertised, these were not advertised.  This is war prep."

Here.  In North America?

Something wicked this way comes.

Hope you have emergency food, water, medicine, generator for electric, fuel for that generator, communications gear like CB or HAM Radio.   Also, have some cash money from an ATM because if the SHTF, credit/debit cards may not work, ATM's may be down, and without cash, you will be S.O.L. if you need food or fuel until this blows-over.

More if I get it.


More info is coming in.   Below, an image of part of a military convoy on the Freeway in Los Angeles:


Below, Military aircraft in the skies (low) in northeastern Arizona, near the New Mexico Border:


From Social media:


On the streets, downtown PHILADELPHIA, PA:

And this, from Social Media, TROOPS WITH WEAPONS on the Hollywood Boulevard, in Hollywood, CA:


I’ve been informed of buses being shuttled around with military escorts and black SUV caravans. Use your camera and make sure we all see it.

Videos and Updates Link:

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Thanks.  We'll be watching to see if Monkey says anything about that on Monday.  I seem to recall Hal Turner being distraught about politicians being given sat phones and allegedly scurrying to underground bunkers and something big was going to happen that weekend, but it didn't.  I think it might be a good policy to keep our antennae up but also take Hal with a large shaker of salt.  I don't follow him, so I appreciate when someone alerts us to when he presents something worthy of attention.

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 but also take Hal with a large shaker of salt.


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More signs we are near the end … :popcorn



The end times apocalyptic Dogen City from Japanese design firm N-Ark aims to create a 21st century Noah’s Ark to hide from God’s wrath in, what could go wrong?

I cannot tell you the exact day it happened, but sometime from the beginning of March in 2020 to where we are right now in 2023, a switch was thrown that triggered many things related to end times Bible prophecy. Your King James Bible tells you the end times will be like the Days of Noah, and now multiple countries are building ‘arks’ in which they plan to hide from the wrath of Almighty God. Remember that movie ‘2012’ where they built an ark for the apocalypse? Buckle up, it’s all coming. Today we tell you about the apocalyptic Dogen City in Japan, and the modern-day Noah’s Ark they’re building.

“And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” Revelation 6:15-17

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per New York Post

Come judgment day, these developers plan to float away on a city-sized vessel.

Japanese designers have released renderings for their idea of an end-times solution: A huge, buoyant metropolis capable of hosting some 40,000 humans.

The firm N-Ark is working on an answer to the apocalypse inspired by Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Noah’s Ark, for which the company is named, according to SWNS.

Currently named Dogen City, the Bible- and billionaire-based concept would promise tens of thousands of people a self-sufficient oasis safe from rising sea levels.

Dogen City will contain a variety of buildings, including a sports stadium encircled by a weather-resistant ring, which will encompass a roving economic zone entitled New Ocean.

The structures will be able to sail to new locations as needed and will be resilient in the face of climate change, the N-Ark developers explained.

Residents will be able to traverse the city within an hour, its outer ring measuring only 2.4 miles in circumference.

In addition to the habitable portions, it will also feature an undersea data center and medical research facilities.

N-Ark aims to complete Dogen City by 2030.

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Amir's take on the tanks.


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Thanks … at least Hal stays consistent with a big fat O % in credibility B-)


Someone on another forum had this to say …

I'd be very careful and wary of both Hal Turner and "Derek Broes" (a total moron and fake "christian"),  Hal Turner using Derek Broes as his source should tell you all you need to know about Hal Turner and his journalistic skills and integrity. Neither are bright enough to even correctly spell Larkspur, California.

And, they weren't "tanks". This is why one shouldn't get hysterical news from idiots and click-bait hucksters like Hal Turner.  When he reports this drivel on his website, his readers believe he was reporting it and it's something happening.

Here is a local ABC affiliate news station in Idaho Falls, Idaho (local news8) reporting on Hal's "tanks", that aren't actually tanks. (It's field artillery, with rubber tires, that is being moved by the National Guard. This is the most common time of the year for training for state national guard units and reservists.)

These click-bait fools (Hal Turner and "Derek Broes", who is actually described as a "gnostic luciferian" by some) should actually do some digging before posting "news", regarding the sensationalistic stuff.

The Internet has created a special class of idiots. The Qanon idiots are already frothing over all this on social media, claiming "the Storm is here!" and that Donald Trump is taking over. Because, of course. Others are saying that Chinese troops have amassed on both the Canadian and Mexican borders with the United States. I'm pretty sure Bill Melugin would've reported about that already, since FOX News has practically banished the poor guy with the great hair permanently down on the Southern Border to report. This stuff is laughable. As mentioned, Twitter is all lit up about this stuff, mostly led by the Qanon retards.

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This is why I stopped posting Lisa WW65 updates … she uses Hal  a lot.

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