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Patricia N.
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This is so sad!  There are a lot of Teslas around where I live.  I think they're dangerous.

My friend's husband bought one and she showed it to me.  On the dashboard, there was only a monitor, no speedometer, no gas gauge, nothing else.  I said that it looked like a computer and she replied, "That's what it is!"  She said if you want to do anything like turn on the windshield wipers, or change the radio station you have to go through several "windows" to be able to do that.  How can a person concentrate on driving?

Patricia N.
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Major Exodus from Liberal Denomination:

An awakening of sorts seems to be happening in one of the denominations that has strayed from Biblical doctrine. Seventy congregations in north Georgia have voted to leave the United Methodist Church (UMC), primarily because of a creeping acceptance of homosexuality in the denomination. Another 35 in Arkansas and 100 in Florida, as well as many others across the country, are studying the matter.

The split has been brewing for quite some time ever since the homosexual steamroller began to gain some momentum. Besides the Bible, UMC has a denominational manual called the UMC Book of Discipline. It specifically states that homosexuality is “incompatible with Christian teaching.” But some of those in leadership, both in the UMC denominational and local church areas have chosen to ignore these guidelines and go ahead with integrating practicing homosexuals into leadership positions.

Eventually, this led to the current move away from cooperation with the central organization including the establishment of a separate structure called, “Global Methodist Church.” Some UMC groups project that 20% of the churches in their state will abandon the UMC for the GMC.

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Questionable things have happened in the past. Might that Tesla have been overpowered by another computer system to cause the crash! Musk became unpopular over the near Twitter purchase. Might people losing their lives in Tesla crashes, cause him to be tied up in with ongoing legal suits to "crash" so to speak, his Tesla Company! I think you just never know these days.


Patricia N.
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A 16-Foot Oarfish Has Been Found in Chile: Sign of Impending Earthquake?:

A 16-foot giant fish captured by a group of fishermen in Chile recently drove locals into a frenzy.  The oarfish is said to be a forerunner of earthquakes and tsunamis, and its appearance is considered a terrible omen in several cultures.  These secretive animals are the world's longest bony fish, living in the dark depths of the deep sea and rarely seen near the coast.

It is said that when they start to the surface it is because the tectonic plates are in movement.  Internet users believe that the creature's proximity to the shore signaled imminent underwater earthquakes.

Oarfish may grow to be 11 meters long. They typically dwell in deep water and only come to the surface when sick, dying, or reproducing.  Meanwhile, seeing this fish is unusual.  Legend has it that they beach themselves on coasts before undersea earthquakes, and are known as "Ryugu no tsukai" in Japanese.

The story gained hold during the 2011 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami, which killed over 20,000 people. According to Kyodo News, at least a dozen oarfish washed ashore on Japan's shoreline the year before the accident.

A group of Japanese academics looked through several sources to see whether there was a link between oarfish sightings and earthquakes.  They gathered data from press publications, scholarly journals, and aquarium records dating from November 1928 to March 2011.  Based on this data, they calculated that the overall number of deep-sea fish encounters was 392 among 45 species.

Only eight of these 45 species, including the oarfish (Regalecus glesne), are linked to earthquakes.

They used statistical tools to compare 336 deep-sea sightings to 221 earthquakes that occurred during that time span, but they were unable to discover an association.

Patricia N.
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Globalist Victory: Food Shortages in Italy - Starving Citizens Storm Town Hall, 'No Money for Bread':

On Wednesday, July 13, Italian citizens stormed La Spezia City Hall after Mayor Pierluigi Peracchini refused to meet with them. “I need to get my daughter some bread, for God’s sake! I have no money to buy bread; what will my daughter eat tonight?” cried a distraught mother at the official residence of the city.

Just recently, shocking video footage of a never-ending line of people circulating outside a food bank in Milan surfaced.

The Globalist elites want complete and total control over consumer access to food. So eventually, your ability to buy food will be tied to your digital identity and social credit score. They already have eliminated market competition and monopolized the food industry.

While the presence of hundreds of food brands gives the appearance of market competition, the reality is that the food industry is monopolized by fewer than a dozen companies, and all of them, in turn, are largely owned by BlackRock and Vanguard.

Patricia N.
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This could be a conspiracy theory, but who knows?

What are they preparing? 90% of FAA weather cameras along US coasts were offline yesterday with lots of military aircraft and helicopters flying over the US:

Today, east coast cameras were still off…

EASTCOAST CAMERAS STILL OFF? Tons of reports off Jets and Chinooks, none of which are on Flight first this was weird, now it gives me the creeps.

This is really suspicious. Almost every airport has these weather cameras. And now 90% are off?

Patricia N.
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Antifa Put in Full Retreat By Bikers, They Try Another City But Soon Hear the Rumble of Motorcycles:

Antifa can be regularly relied upon to pick on those who are unable to defend themselves.  Whether it be elderly citizens, innocent protesters or local business owners, typically, Antifa isn’t met with much resistance.

Well, that story changed on Saturday when a group of Antifa extremists made a big mistake.  This time, they attempted to victimize a group that had no qualms about fighting back.

According to The Post Millenial, members of Antifa attempted to shut down Honky Tonk Bar in Salem, Oregon, through the use of a “direct action.”  The bar is known for being frequented by bikers.  When the Antifa member’s “direct action” began, many such bikers came out to greet the masked Antifa members.  The exchange ended with an embarrassing defeat.

If you kick enough hornets’ nests, eventually you’re going to get stung.  Antifa learned that the hard way.  Unfortunately for the far-left extremists, this exchange may not be the end of their trouble.

Various Oregon-based motorcycle clubs are now teaming up against the group.  “The confrontation appears to have now ignited a feud between Antifa and members of various Oregon motorcycle clubs,” The Post Millenial reported.

Patricia N.
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The Radical Left Is Distorting History At The Museum Homes Of America’s Founders:

In the same way that the radical left took over education in schools, they have now taken over the museum homes of some of America’s founding fathers.

Instead of teaching accurate history with a sense of national pride, they are presenting America’s founders as nothing more than white slave owners.  This is what happens when the woke crowd is allowed to teach history.

Visitor to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello estate calls out new ‘woke’ tours: ‘Depressing and demoralizing’:  Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello estate reportedly went woke, with visitors saying the displays and tour guides insult his legacy.

Jeffery Tucker, founder of the Brownstone Institute, said his recent experience at the Virginia landmark was sad and deflated the American founder’s reputation. Tucker toured Monticello on July 4 to pay homage to Jefferson, who advocated for emancipation and the separation of church and state.

“Instead I got exactly the opposite,” Tucker said on “Fox & Friends” Monday. “They were just debunking his history, his reputation, putting him down, demoralizing everybody on my tour.”  Tucker recounted his previous visit to the estate as being full of grandeur with a “sense of majesty about the place.”

“No longer,” he told host Brian Kilmeade. “It is depressing and demoralizing and truly upsetting.”  Tucker described the house as looking like a rummage sale with contemporary paintings hung inside. He said tour guides repeatedly diminished Jefferson’s accomplishments, claiming his reputation is “wildly overblown.”

This is also happening at the home of James Madison.

Patricia N.
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This Is What Happened to US Workers – Socialist Democrats Are Paying People to Stay Home While Destroying the Economy:

Over the past few years after COVID something very strange happened.  The small businesses couldn’t find workers after being shut down and destroyed financially.  This occurred across the nation.  If you drove through a drive-through across the country the lines were long and the service was poor.  Many restaurants would even pause in the middle of the day selling to customers because no workers were available.  It wasn’t because people weren’t working hard.  It was because there weren’t enough people to do the work.

You may have asked yourself [like I did] where are the workers?  Before COVID employment was high as well as wages, then comes COVID and the workers disappeared.

Finally, we have confirmation on what TGP wrote about back in January.  Americans are being paid to stay at home.  Larry Kudlow was on with Mark Levin where he discussed this change in policy that is in place today.  The Democrats are paying people to stay at home.  They changed long-lasting policies to do so.

They removed workfare.  They removed work requirements from the Federal assistance plans.  So now you have a position where people are getting paid not to work with no penalties and that they destroyed the welfare reform of 25 years ago which was so successful.
Once again, the Democrat policies are destroying our nation.

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I toured Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello estate years ago.  It truly left me cold.  I felt an evil spirit on the grounds.  And then finding out later he did this to the Word of God … I’m not bothered by the tours of his precious heritage estate is now for the woke crowd to tear down.  He was not a hero in my eyes … he has influenced modern day congress to embrace his blasphemy “Bible”.


Per the History Channel

…. Using his clippings, the aging third president created a New Testament of his own—one that most Christians would hardly recognize. This Bible was focused only on Jesus, but none of his mystical works. It didn’t include major scenes like the resurrection or ascension to heaven, or miracles like turning water into wine or walking on water. Instead, Jefferson’s Bible focused on Jesus as a man of morals, a teacher whose truths were expressed without the help of miracles or the supernatural powers of God.

Made for his private use and kept secret for decades, Jefferson’s 84-page Bible was the work of a man who spent much of his life grappling with, and doubting, religion.
Prepared near the end of the ex-president’s life, the Jefferson Bible, as it is now known, included no signs of Jesus’s divinity. In two volumes, The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth and The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, Jefferson edited out biblical passages he considered over-the-top or that offended his Enlightenment-era sense of reason. He left behind a carefully condensed vision of the Bible—one that illustrated his own complex relationship with Christianity.

The book was kept private for a few reasons. Jefferson himself believed that a person’s religion was between them and their god. Religion is “a matter between every man and his maker, in which no other, & far less the public, [has] a right to intermeddle,” he wrotein 1813.

But there was another reason for Jefferson to keep his revised Bible private.  In the early 19th century, taking a knife to the Bible was nothing less than revolutionary.  If the book has been known, argues Mitch Horowitz, who edited a reissue of Jefferson’s book, “it likely would have become one of the most controversial and influential religious works of early American history.”

Jefferson’s editorial work happened in a United States that was deeply rooted in state-sponsored religion. Though many emigrants had come to America to flee religious persecution, laws about religious practice were part of pre-Revolutionary life. Even after the founding of the United States and the ratification of the First Amendment, states used public funds to pay churches and passed laws upholding various tenets of Christianity for over a century after the passage of the Bill of Rights. Massachusetts, for example, didn’t disestablish its official state religion, Congregationalism, until 1833.

Jefferson, a believer in rational thought and self-determination, had long spoken out against such laws while keeping his own views on religion fiercely private. In 1786, he wrote a Virginia law forbidding the state from compelling anyone to attend a certain church or persecuting them for their religious beliefs. The law unseated the Anglican Church as the official church of Virginia. Jefferson was so proud of his accomplishment that he told his heirs he wanted itinscribed on his tombstone, along with his authorship of the Declaration of Independence and his founding of the University of Virginia.

During his political career, Jefferson’s religious views—or lack thereof—drew fire from his fellow colonists and citizens. The Federalists charged him with atheism and rebellion against Christianity during the vicious 1800 election. Among them was Theodore Dwight, a journalist who claimed that Jefferson’s election would shoo in the end of Christianity itself. “Murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest will be openly taught and practiced, the air will be rent with the cries of distress, the soil will be soaked with blood, the nation black with crimes,” he prophesied.

Jefferson continued to wrestle with his own views on Christianity after his presidential term ended. His personal correspondence often dealt with religion and religious freedom, and in 1820, when he was 77 years old, he began excising the portions of the New Testament he found unnecessary.

“Even when this took some rather careful cutting with scissors or razor,” writes historian Edwin S. Gaustad, “Jefferson managed to maintain Jesus’ role as a great moral teacher, not as a shaman or faith healer.” Jefferson didn’t intend for the Bible to be read by others, Gaustad notes. “He composed it for himself,” he writes. “He cherished the diamonds.”

During Jefferson’s lifetime, few people knew about the former president’s revised Bible, which he willed to Martha Randolph, his eldest daughter. But in the 1880s, a Johns Hopkins University student, Cyrus Adler, found the cut-up books in a private library. When he learned they were Jefferson’s, he began a search for the book they became.

In 1895, Adler finally got access to Jefferson’s Bible.  By that time, the first volume, The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth, was lost.  but Jefferson’s great-granddaughter agreed to sell the second volume,

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, to the Smithsonian Institution.

Now the world knew about Jefferson’s private Bible, and from 1904 to the 1950s, incoming Senators received their own copy of the Bible. That practice ended once the government-sponsored printing ran out, but in the 1990s, economist Judd W. Patton revived the tradition, and began mailing it to each member of Congress. Today, Jefferson’s secret Bible is held by the Smithsonian Institution, which has digitized the book for anyone to read. 

- Fair Use -


And no surprise here … I recall reading Bill Clinton swore on the Thomas Jefferson “Bible” at his inauguration.


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