Interesting article because it looks like food shortages (corn, grain, wheat, etc.) and high cost in food prices are coming in 2020. With all the rain that came down, the Midwestern farmers haven’t planted anything. Its pretty much a write off year and they already filed their claims with the insurance company. Perhaps some can still grow a late season crop? :unsure: But as of right now many big farms in Nebraska, Kansas, MO, and Illinois are still underwater ... This is why I feel its good to stock up on non perishable food (can goods) to have just in case we are still here. Even though many economies have long been propped up, it is amazing the bubble hasn't burst. Those selling gold and silver are predicting the bubble bursting. And yes economists have also been predicting a huge fall for many years! Our economy does not thrive because of one man, but because of the only God! History reminds me of the "crash" of 1929. People were jumping out of high rise buildings ending it all while the banks closed their doors and snubbed and ravaged the American public. Sad thing is that this crash was all intentionally manufactured. And can be duplicated at any time to serve the elites purposes! Even income tax at one time was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court! President Kennedy was killed because he wanted to dismantle the Federal Reserve! Or so one speculation contends. It has always come down to wealth and power. Rather than put money into the stock market I'd rather just keep buying lotto tickets! I keep telling myself that God didn't make me rich, just pretty! Well I still have my high school girlish figure anyway! Tee, hee, hee. Point is, no matter how far science, technology and economics grows we are indeed living on borrowed time! And we will all give an account to God! Both man and angel alike! This existence offers death and entropy, Christ offers eternal life! The Lord God Almighty alone knows how much time is left, but I am filled with the conviction of not making any long term plans! TR
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