WOW! What a story. This guy was so stubborn!!!! Remember practice assernment. (sp) After watching this video, let me know what you think. If this makes even 1 person believe in Jesus then AMEN! Would love to have an NDE without the ND! TR I guess I've always wanted to have angelic visitation! TR Still waiting to see if anything happens on the 29th of Mar! Again, the last day of Israel’s 73rd year still looms large! If not, it will remain a mystery! TR We base our understanding on “this generation” to mean the generation born when Israel was established as a nation but it could mean the generation living when the Trib begins. Very inspiring! My favorite thing that he said about heaven was that we will be totally loved and accepted there. I guess we sort of do feel like strangers on this earth, people who don't really belong. In heaven, we will belong. It is our true home. Unimaginable joy, peace, love and acceptance awaits us all! Many reunions also! Rewards, divine duties, and personal chuppa experiences as well! Also anxious to see the Lord’s plan for mankind moving forward! I am more than ready! TR
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