Jesus you are my Lord and my Love! You are the expectation of the humble and righteous hearts who recognize your majesty. We longingly await with glorious anticipation of being in your presence cleansed and sanctified by your blood alone! You are our touchstone with our Heavenly Father the Lord God Almighty and creator of Heaven and Earth! Indeed you are worthy of all honor, praise and glory! How glorious that You Lord became a man in that we could have someone to relate with and identify with. How marvelous a God you are! We are certainly anxious to see and be with you nevermore to be separated from one another. And anxious to experience all the glories you have already created and shall create! We are your creation, the work of your hands, and the joy of your heart! Considered the crown of your creation yet totally undeserving in every regard! The response can easily be, who are we Lord, but rather more appropriately look at who You are! TR