Meghan wants to be president? Has she discussed this with Kanye? The difference between Luciferians and Satanists: Luciferians believe that what we call the devil is really a good and maligned being, or that he is actually the true God. Satanists recognize he is truly evil and either believe he will triumph over the God of the Bible, or else they regard him as a symbol of human intellect opposed to religious beliefs, and are actually atheists. That's my limited understanding of it, anyway. Amen Yohanan! I agree! I gave up to analyze it all! I decided not to even keep up with the Prophecy headlines anymore! They made me sick this morning! So evil! All the abuse, children, animals, the vaccine! It is best for me to just read here on the forum a little to keep updated with things and have some fellowship! Just waiting on Jesus is all we can do! Hopefully the trumpet ?, shofar, will sound loud and clear for us soon! Maranatha ✨✨✨ I believe that a joyful Christian, in times like these, draws the unsaved to them. It is a real conundrum for the lost to understand why a Christian would be filled with joy. We have the answer to give to them, and that answer, is the Way to eternal life! Well stated, Yohanan! Very comforting words and reminder of how we should live in these days. It is so difficult to have joy when hearing all the evil going on. Perspective is everything. I need constant reminders to keep my eyes on God and trust Him and Him alone! I think to varying degrees, SI, we are all in that same place. We all need extra encouragement when we are witnesses to what is going on in this world. Everything we were all raised to believe has gone sideways......except our Lord! It's easy to take our eyes off of Him. Goodness, even Peter did when he was walking on water towards Jesus! Who are we that we would not do similarly. Many, many times I've taken my eyes off of the Lord only to realize the mistake. But thankfully, our Savior is gracious to forgive and restore and that is indeed comforting, especially in our world today. Amen! TR Yes, Amen!
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