May the Lord...
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May the Lord...

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Joined: 6 years ago

May the Lord come quickly!

May He extend Himself every way possible towards the saints, until the Rapture takes place!

Sending His mighty blessings and provision that all would be well with each of our souls!

May His love expressed be personal, timely and lift our countenance in thanks towards His heart!  That we might know His unbounding love for each of us!

Take this prayer to heart Lord and bless us all in new and fresh ways that our love and praises of You would be magnified!

We are all broken vessels before You, the humble sheep of Your fold.  Indeed you have chosen us by Your grace and Your mercies!  May then Your grace and mercies find us receiving an even greater expression of You heart while we are yet in this dispensation!

All to Your glory, now and forever more!

