1st day of May! This the season! May 14th???? Indeed from now till Jun are exciting watch days! TR Amen, spring time is a great time for the rapture! If not we will look towards the fall - but the long winters are hardest on me these days! Starts @ 5:44 Blood moon seen in North America day after Israel 74th birthday. Interesting comments: Russia released a video about nukes being set off in UK today. 200 second warning Some big speech will be given on May 9th … they claim Putin has cancer and will give up power to someone else … Only temporarily while he gets operated and recovering. If Putin really does have cancer, I think that might make him more dangerous. If he’s already dying then he might make one bold move that could be devastating to the world. Like the saying says, “there is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal.” I can't imagine Putin taking the extreme risk of being admitted to a hospital for a surgical procedure. It would be far too easy to take him out, even in a special, private hospital. May 9 th is Victory Day in Russia commemorating the 1945 victory over Nazi Germany. Meanwhile this week in Jerusalem Jerusalem is bracing itself for another tense week as Palestinians prepare on Monday to celebrate the end of Ramadan with Eid al Fitr, and Israelis mark Independence Day this coming Thursday. - Fair Use - Therefore looking for possible Rapture May 13th, the last day of Israel's 73rd year!!! Very real possibility, folks! TR Let the countdown begin! We are soon going home! What a day of rejoicing that will be!!! All in God’s perfect timing, be glorified God and all his saints! TR Indeed May and June look promising as well! Truly hoping for a Spring Rapture, more importantly in 2022! Not only are we anxious Lord, but also wearied by overwhelming evil and wickedness directing our days! TR
The blood moon/ lunar eclipse is May 15
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