Make no mistake, there will be no repentance found in Hell! Apart from suffering eternal torment, all will also eternally curse God! As foreshadowed by the judgements of God befalling men! Even the simplistic rejection of God will keep company with God haters and God cursors! For their end is the same! Wanton and prideful rejection of God for whatever reason in this life, will ultimately find their station in Hell as well! Whether through ignorance, deception, defiance, pride or hatred of God, Hell will be their forever home! TR For just as accepting Christ even in the most of simple ways is counted as a full acceptance, so too is His rejection counted as a full rejection! TR He chose us for Himself! Simply acknowledging that truth finds us in His perfect will! TR
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November 17, 2021 7:15 am
2 Replies
November 17, 2021 7:27 am
November 17, 2021 11:48 am