Innocence regained when we are redeemed! TR Amen TR! Your post reminded me of Big Daddy Weave's song. Thanks Todd! The scope and ramifications of this statement are marvelous! Truly a forgiven virginal bride! With all our sins nevermore to be remember! TR You know TR that is an excellent point. I was a ministry leader and a state representative for Celebrate Recovery - a Christian recovery program for any type of addiction. I worked with hundreds of people who carry around the guilt and shame of their own transgressions as well as the burdens placed on them by their parents, spouses, family members, friends, co-workers, and community. Like this video - we carry this backpack of guilt and shame around and it keeps us from the joy and freedom that is freely available. When I shared this video with those who entered our program the tears often flowed. When they truly repented and started walking in freedom, they were like the little girl in the dress at the end of this video. When I told people that God not only forgives but also forgets they had a hard time grappling with that concept. And after repenting when they kept bringing their past up over and over again I had to remind them that God forgot - why are you trying to remind Him? Isaiah 43.25, Hebrews 8:12, Hebrews 10:17, Jereemiah 31.34, Acts 3:19, Micah 7:19, Psalm 103:12, 1 John 1:7-9, 1 John 1:9, Psalm 103: 11-12, Isaiah 1:18, ... Why does God mention all of this so many times in the Bible? Because we all have a hard time forgiving ourselves. Share the video with someone you know who is struggling with forgiving themselves. Its powerful.... A very freeing presentation Todd! We have long struggled with the reality of paradise lost! But what awaits us now is something more full, complete and sublime than a garden experience! Something more awesome that could not be dreamed of and more than fantasy could conjure! With all the wonders yet to be revealed and experienced, walking, talking with our creator god and being embraced by Him is an all consuming experience! Second only to the fact that this relationship will be ours eternally! Whether a mansion or room is held for us, or whether we experience unimaginable glories, or new heavens and earth, to be accepted, received and loved by Him forevermore is more than a place of paradise! More than an experience! More than new and evolving glories! It is a fixed estate of existence! TR Absolutely, TR!!!! A big AMEN to that! Keep looking up cause we're going home! Who can imagine the glories that await? Then we shall be the family of God, fully realized! Again, nevermore to wander or be alone! TR
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