Lisa's Vision
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Lisa's Vision

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If anyone remembers "Lisa's vision" from 1988.  It is 11192.  In her dream the numbers represent a date and people are weeping.   I think June 29 fits, as the 111 could be the 3rd month of Jewish calendar and reverse 92, giving the 29th day.  People are weeping, so this would be a Tribulation start day.  The Rapture occurs in a moment, in the blinking of an eye.  So the Rapture could occur moments before the Tribulation start.   Just a thought I had, give me some feedback.

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Patricia N.
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Maybe, but I'm hoping the rapture is sooner, like when we see the planets align!  A few days later on the 29th, people will still be weeping though.  Just think about the parents whose children disappeared.  There may be a little delay between the rapture and the start of the tribulation.

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Lisa Leenie's Vision from 1988

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Could be Dave — the third month is Sivan which covers our May/June — the weeping may represent those that are left and we may go before the 6/29 … I remember many discussions over Lisa’s dream during her life and we have brought it many times over the years. It was really powerful.

The month is Sivan (third month) — Gimel is the third letter in the Hebrew alphabet (a taking up) - can’t draw it here but it look like a man walking  — Sivan ends in Shavuot.

Jesus our Bridegroom, our High Priest, will receive us — so overwhelming how detailed our God is and how much He has shown us to see through our blind eyes …. Our brains are just too small and only through His spiritual awakening can we understand….. Come Lord Jesus! :prayer-hands:

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I like June 29, 2022; however, churchgal and many others have said, dates come and go.  I agree.  I am not making any big plans, just paying some bills and cleaning up the house

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Intriguing for sure!  Summer is near has always been by many to assume a pre-summer Rapture, however it could also mean to include a summer Rapture as well!  Daily more dominoes seem to fall into place enhancing the prophetic picture!  At this point, any day is possible!  Time will tell!!!

Be encouraged as we watch our redemption unfold before our very eyes!





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I used to think “her dream/vision” meant something since so many spoke/wrote articles about it like its … the “Holy Grail” and were trying to find clues to pin point a specific high watch date.   I was guilty of doing it too … but then a cyber friend informed me he used to talk to Lisa Leenie almost every day/night and guess what … she never once talked about “that dream/vision”  not once … so she never expected it to materialize into anything important.

As far as the 7 planets lining up on June 29th … this line up occurs every 18 years.  Will June 29th be the rapture day?  Could be … it has a 1% chance for it. :whistle:    From here on out every day should be a high watch date … cause we know we are in the season. :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn  See you all in the clouds soon.

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Very true Geri, I hear where you are coming from.  There was also another vision/dream by someone the watcher community called “Charity” that has often been quoted - I think it was 5,6,7, JESUS! And many people have tried to figure out exactly what that could mean and often try to make something “fit” with it.

I don’t discount this dream/vision of Charity, nor do I discount Lisaleenie’s. I remember her from the old RITAN site and she was a faithful watcher and true sister in the Lord.  But when I see these dreams/visions/prophecies - I personally take them for what they are worth - usually I think a personal intimate revelation between them and God which might become recognizable to the church at large some day or might just stay personal.  I get them all the time, but most of the time I feel they are probably not worth publicizing.

But just for laughs I am going to put my neck out on a limb and give you all my latest “personal confirmation” and remember take this for what it is intended JUST FOR LAUGHS.

So the Lord seems to be impressing upon me to really take another look at the Shmitta cycle.  It started for me this month in “pride month” with the news of “Drag your kids to pride” where parents were taking their kids to a gay bar in Dallas to watch a lewd drag show which I found abominable.  The Lord laid on my heart to look back 7 years ago to the last Shmitta cycle and see where we were.

7 years ago almost to the day Obergefell v. Hodges was decided legalizing gay marriage.

So the Lord really laid on my heart to keep looking and that the blood moons of 7 years ago and the Shmitta cycle tat Jonathan Cahn seemingly tied into them was not a big “nothing burger” 7 years ago but was just a huge warning of what was coming in this cycle to come 7 years later.  I actually dug a lot deeper into it and investigated artificial intelligence 7 years ago compared to today and did a whole video on the 7 year cycle on rumble about”what time is it?” Pretty good if I do say so myself-  but I’m not sure I can post it here since its from me.  And that’s not really the purpose anyway - you are probably saying get to the punchline - what’s the personal confirmation “just for laughs”

Ok so get ready for it.

My own “personal” confirmation about the last Shmitta cycle and the next Shmitta cycle….

7 years ago my daughter went away to college and I was heartbroken, I remember I was on the old Rita site under a different name and was pining away how my only daughter was going away to college and then the rapture would probably come that fall and thought we would meet in the air at the rapture - but this would probably be the last time I would see my little girl here on the earth since she was leaving home for college.  During the time she went to college we took care of her cat and he became my best buddy, he used to come sit in my lap on my recliner and watch tv with me at night, almost like we could miss her together.

Of course the rapture did not come 7 years ago (I wish it did on one hand but also so many things to be grateful for these past 7 years) and baby girl came home a couple years later from college and like any good millennial moved back in with mom and dad because pay is too low and rent is too high lol!

But all of a sudden, as far as the cat was concerned -I was persona non grata.  I had never been anything but kind to this cat but he no longer wanted to sit with me.  At first I reasoned well it’s because my daughter is back home and that’s his gal, but the cat would go sit with my wife frequently, but even when I would pick him up and bring him to my recliner and stroke him nice - he would make a quick exit.  Oh well, I didn’t take it too personally.

So where am I going with all of this?  After all of my studies and thinking on this latest Shmitta cycle and if its legit and if so what could it mean for us watchers - what happens for a “personal” confirmation - after 7 years - that darn cat hops up on my lap on the recliner the other day and starts purring like we are best buds again and has been doing this for 3 days in a row now!

Hope y’all are getting a good laugh at my expense! (But seriously in my heart it seems like it can’t just be coincidence!) Go ahead, laugh it up, you know you want to.

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Derrick — some long lost part of my brain vaguely remembers you from long ago - it was the daughter going to college — as my youngest had come home and yours was leaving - I remember thinking the cycle of life in raising children comes for many …. I went by a different name as well back in the old RITAN days as well.

Any way, very interesting story and I have learned to never discount what God may use to get our attention, so not laughing at you on this, but wondering what God may be trying to show you???? :unsure: :prayer-hands:

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Just FYI, I have it on good authority that shortly afterwards Charity left her husband and three children to go join some cult group south of the border!  They were fixated on becoming angels!  This was supposedly verified by family members!  She seemingly seemed intelligent and an avid watcher!  Prayers for her would be welcome!  TR






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