Indeed the world will be lost in sin as it was then! But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord! So too we live in the age of grace! Noah was given a 7 day notice before judgement rained. After the Rapture, judgement again will visit the Earth! Might we also be given a 7 day notice?! TR And just as God sealed the door of the Ark, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit till the day of our redemption! TR Noah was lifted on high above judgement! So too we are lifted up above and before judgement! TR You are very uplifting Tenderreed! Thanks for the encouragement. Just as in the days of Noah! For both sinner and saint! Was this a clue?! TR Noah and family were very busy putting on the finishing touches, if you will, of the Ark — proclaiming God to a lost world, gathering supplies, and caring for animals .... So should we .... busy, praying, watching, expecting, doing according to Gods plan for our life .... :agree :prayer-hands: If Noah can take all of those animals, then surely I can take one dog! Soon it will be a matter of simply waiting in the Ark and counting of days! Hey, we're doing that now! TR And when He appears, man will cross over a threshold of unspeakable joy! Or unimaginable horror! Either way the choice is ours! TR Putting Trump bumper stickers on protestors’ cars was funny. This is pretty good:
<p style="text-align: left;">Yes Tammie. Good reminder. Plenty to do.</p>