LIFE’S LITTLE VICTORIES Success in the eyes of the world means never appearing weak, While triumph from God’s perspective simply encompasses being meek; Does winning an argument (while hurting others) confirm that you are right? Will your methodology and motives hold up under the scrutiny of God’s Light? A rose that is withering and seemingly will no longer grow, Maybe it just lacks water and some advice from an experienced pro; You may look at its current demise, and say it will never last until Spring, But the blossoms may surprise you when they defeat the cold of Winter’s sting. NO!!! VICTORY can never be achieved through fancy appearances or illusions, Nor is it ensured through deceit and the proffering of grand delusions; While the world gives begrudgingly, and takes way more than its ravenous share, God gives His Love freely and never allows more trials than we can bear. A VICTORY is a day that is gentle, content, and without strife, A moment of quiescence in the swirl of volatile life; A family in unison, solidified in a splinter of idyllic time, Fortified in its conquest of a mountain that together they just climbed. No matter how dark it gets, we must never miss the hue of color amidst the gray, We must enjoy the tranquil breeze that soothes on a Summer’s day; As we sit in our sheltered houses and eat our nightly dinners, We must never take for granted that God will bless us forever as overcoming winners! Although today may be nice, it could easily change tomorrow, Experience tells us that the relentless enemy desires only to bring pain and sorrow; But it could be just the opposite, and today you may be on the run, Just keep persevering, and hopefully tomorrow you can enjoy the trophy won. So enjoy every instance of calm that provides reprieve from the worldly grind, Enjoy the chirps of every bird, and the knowledge that we won’t be left behind; Each day that you don’t have to deal with people who love to be contradictory, Thank God for this ONE day of solace, and consider that Life’s Little VICTORY!!! Hope to met you all very soon!!! Humbly Such a poet you are with a nice way with words! Patricia: Thank you for your kind words! I very much appreciate the diligence of this forum and the camaraderie that exists here. When you, or Donna, or Yohanan, or tenderreed, or Geri, or MyWhiteStone, or David, or others take the time to respond with positives to anything that the Holy Spirit writes (using me as a humble vehicle to covey His message), it really means a lot to me. So often I don't know why themes, or words, or phrases come into my head, but I trust that it is not for me to wonder why, but to trust the Holy Spirit and to faithfully write whatever it is. I don't know why, and I don't know who it will touch -- but I trust that it is for some lonely person that is beaten-down and needs a little hope (like me so many times in my life). We can plant seeds of thought and hope, or we can water seeds of thought and hope... but only the HOLY SPIRIT CAN BRING THE INCREASE! God bless all of you faithful servants out there! Your pal, Humbly Indeed HI. So long as God gets the glory, that's what it's all about. God never asks us to impress Him, just love and obey Him! I feel the same way about sharing my giftings in the hopes that it firstly blesses the heart of the Father. And that it blesses the bretheren! For it seems to me that if we can bless others, we bless God! That said, what a motivation for all lurkers to step out and share themselves with us all! TR I believe, Humbly, that there is something to receiving from outside ourselves themes, words, and phrases that transcend our natural abilities. I suspect giftedness in general is just that -- gifts from the Godhead, administered directly by the Holy Spirit and sometimes received through other beings, both human and immortal, who induce (inspire?) our own spirits. External communiques. I love the passage 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, that discusses these common spiritual phenomena. The last sentence reads, "But we have the mind of Christ." That's the Spirit who indwells us at our first belief. And in John 17 Jesus Himself said we are "in" Him and He is "in" the Father, and the Father is "in" us, and ... Unity! What a Creation!! For this last year I have been responding as an online missionary to folks from all over the world via Campus Crusade of Christ's Global Media Outreach. I have often gone back and reread what I wrote to various "disciples," and noticed general satisfaction with what I had written, but I've concluded that the love, the thoughts, the empathy and the sympathy I expressed was beyond me. I rejoice to be able to take no credit, but to know that God has used me, mind, soul and body to help other people. It is marvelous to be used by God to communicate truth and love and encouragement to people in need of them. I expect you feel that too, Humbly, that is, being moved by the Spirit. I imagine you must feel that way too, just taking a clue from both your moniker and your avatar here. Anyway, thank you for sharing the themes, words, and phrases with us. Don't you dare hide that light under a bushel! On the other hand, were I gifted to the extent you have been, I'd probably find it harder to remain humble. :yes: Well said Dan! Life is like a box of chocolates. Never what your gonna get! Eating chocolates the way I do is what keeps me so darn sweet! Tee, hee, hee. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. TR "That’s my story and I’m sticking with it." Sticky with chocolate is a mixed-blessing, TR. I'd agree on sweet. :yes: Sticking with honey... well that's annoying!
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