Let’s Go Shopping
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Let’s Go Shopping

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Looking up! Thank you and ditto on letting me know how we can pray for you, as you too continue to serve. The saddest thing for my husband and myself has been to watch the growing coldness of hearts. We have been actively serving in full time ministry (pastorate or missionary) for greater than 30 yrs, teaching and preaching (I teach only :mdrmdr: although my kids may disagree :mdrmdr: ), yet even as the coldness has been growing, 2020 put the dividing lines up front and center. Continue to pray, we have such a heart to reach others and the doors just keep slamming shut .... it looks like we will again bury yet another church. God allowed us to gift our last church to a vibrant growing ministry and we are working to merge this one with another vibrant work, it puts my husband out of a job but he feels the need to meet kingdom needs more than his ... keep him in prayer for wisdom and strength. He has had opportunity with his solar job to pray with those he meets and discuss Christ, while I have maintained my ability to speak about Christ to those I work with in the hospital because of the level of administration God placed me. We thank him for the opportunity to serve! May God continue to grant you strength to persevere for His glory! Bring them in! :prayer-hands:

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Hi Tammie, I will be praying for you and your husband as you navigate these hard decisions with your church! May the Lord richly provide for you both. I know He smiles upon you!

My cry to the Lord is for wisdom to pastor in the current climate, and faithfulness to obey no matter what. I need great grace for both! Thank you so very much for your prayers.

Last week I preached from 2 Timothy 3 - "In the last days perilous times will come" and was very pleasantly surprised at the positive response. Praise the Lord!

Many, many blessings! :prayer-hands: :bible

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Absolutely! Canada (as Arthur can speak too) is already out of control with arrests of pastors. We pray, watch, and seek wisdom! God’s Will be done ... 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal”

2 Timothy 3 is indeed an eye opener and predictive of what has gone on thru the church age and still going on for the “free world”. The Corinthian verse has taken on new meaning for me now ..... :prayer-hands:

Our heavenly home is going to be totally awesome! My granddaughter and I are going planet hopping after a few 1000 years, she’s nine and my 10th grandchild, we’re very close and she asks me often if we are going to fly this month, I just smile and say, possible :prayer-hands:


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Tammie, I pray often for my brothers and sisters in Canada. Now we will add you to our regular prayers in our family. Your faithfulness and that of other saints in Canada is inspiring to your neighbors to the south.

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No, sorry you misunderstood, I’m not in Canada....I’m a true Southern Belle :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Not according to my brothers! :mdrmdr:

I have traveled to almost every state in the union and to about 7 countries, excluding Canada (passed through on my way to Alaska once).

Arthur is from Canada :good:

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Sorry! I'm kinda slow sometimes :unsure: :wacko:

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Aren’t we all! My brain needs a data dump periodically, it’s so crazy the amount of dis-information and information now days, certainly speaks to the verse about the growing knowledge ....

Daniel 12:4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

I Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,”

And time ... it appears to be at warp speed, today started and now it’s ending and not sure where it went! :mdrmdr:

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Bumping …

After watching Lisa’s (watchwoman65) latest youtube about there will be even less truck drivers working due to the covid mandate. The far and few drivers rather quit vs. get the jab.  So the food / supply shortages are only going to get much worse.

With that in mind … I went to 2 grocery stores to stock up more.  Saw a sign in town “get your covid shots here” arrow pointed to a mini mall store. First time I saw a sign advertising it on the Main Street.  It disturbed me because I fear the next sign will say … no vaxx/no entry.  Lots of out-of-staters here sight seeing and walking around with their masks on.  They are oblivious of dangers ahead … There is no panic yet in the stores … shoppers think seeing empty shelves are now “normal” living. Round 2 looks to be in full force … the toilet paper aisle is almost completely empty … paper towels will follow in about 2 - 3 more days.  They did restock the candy, chips, soda, beer and ice cream aisles.  I reckon they know what’s priority in keeping people happy. :mdrmdr:   But just limited supplies or completely out everywhere else.  One store is missing a lot of veggies. All I wanted were cucumbers.  Drove to the other store and had to ask the guy in produce if they have any and if so I would like 3.  He came out of the back room with a grin on his face … he said good news as he is waving the cucumbers in the air …the shipment box arrived this morning and handed me my request order.  I felt like I was bartering / begging for the food.  I got the last package of ground beef that was $6.00 … remaining 4 packages on display were over $9.00. :wacko:

Glad to be back home … wishing to be in our eternal home soon.

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Yesterday I posted that video with J.T. saying Canadians basically have 4 - 8 weeks to comply or else.

Well I just got done watching a Roy Potter video saying the people he talks to are saying the same thing (4 - 8 weeks) before the food shortages really get bad.


Todd Tomlinson
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My wife stopped by McD's this morning on the way back home to grab us Egg McMuffins.   Our local area McD's have been out of english muffins for a few days the person said.   I went to the deli at the store a few days ago to pick up a few chicken tenders - the clerk said they didn't have any chicken tenders and had not had any for almost a week.   We have a laser engraving business - I can't get water bottles as they're all sitting on ships off LA or stuck in China.    While I knew there were going to be shortages -- its smacking me in the face now and I'm seeing it in more that one location / industry.   Time to make sure the bunker is stocked and ready to go.

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