Let’s Go Shopping v...
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Let’s Go Shopping v.2

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** Bumping **

On Yahoo today …


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Just use baking soda.

Or, a dentist told me years ago, you can brush your teeth with a dry toothbrush to remove the plaque; it works the best. Then just rinse with mouthwash.


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....or just brush with mouthwash on your toothbrush. I’ve done that in addition to using toothpaste. Listerine makes a toothpaste with its mouthwash mixed in. The Listerine kills the bacteria. I dip a dental pick (the soft bristle brush pick) in Listerine and clean between my back teeth. My dentist noticed a marked improvement in my gum health because of it so the mouthwash it a big component in my dental care. ?

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Looks like there is another use for Listerine B-)


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Avon Skin So Soft in spray keeps mosquitos away. I've used it for years...but...listerine may just kill them outright! :mdrmdr:

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I knew I stocked up on Listerine for a reason :wacko:  Seriously, I must have 4 to 6 large bottles! So when those killer mosquitos come in, the folks that find our stuff will at least have a fighting chance, maybe :unsure:

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The story behind Listerine.
Before it was ever used for a mouthwash, Listerine was used as an antiseptic to prevent surgical infections. It was named after Joseph Lister, a pioneer of antiseptic surgery who used it in surgeries in the late 1800s. Since then, Listerine has become the most well-known mouthwash on the market today.

9 Ways to use Listerine besides mouthwash.
Note: Do not use any mouthwash with sugars or artificial sweeteners for any of the following uses. If using Listerine, you will need to use the original brown version.

Soak your feet. Try this famous Listerine vinegar foot soak recipe to get feet soft and sandal ready. No need to buy expensive products when natural ingredients you have on hand will do the trick.

Cleanse your face. Antiseptic mouth wash makes a wonderful astringent. Apply to a clean face with a cotton ball and rinse with warm water~followed by a splash of cold water. Your face will feel fresh and tingly and look clean and refreshed!

Cure underarm odor. Regular deodorant only masks the underarm odor with a heavy perfume smell, but antiseptic mouthwash can eliminate the bacteria that causes the odor. Apply to armpits with a cotton ball, preferably to armpits that are not freshly shaven (it might sting).

Get rid of dandruff. To treat a bad case of dandruff, wash your hair with regular shampoo, then rinse with an alcohol-based antiseptic mouthwash. Follow with your regular conditioner.

Treat athlete’s foot. Antiseptic mouthwash might be all you need to treat mild athlete’s foot or toenail fungus. Use a cotton ball soaked in mouthwash to apply to the affected area several times a day. Athlete’s foot should respond after a few days; toenail fungus may take several months. If you don’t see a response by then, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Disinfect a cut. For small cuts or wounds, you can use Listerine to disinfect your skin. Before it became a mouthwash, original Listerine was successfully used as an antiseptic to prevent surgical infections.

Add to wash cycle. Smelly socks and underwear are often laden with bacteria and fungi that may not all come out in a regular wash. Add a cup of antiseptic mouthwash to the wash cycle, and you just might solve the problem.

Clean the toilet. If you run out of regular toilet bowl cleaner, try pouring 1/4 cup antiseptic mouthwash into the bowl. Let it sit for 1/2 hour, then swish with a toilet brush before flushing. The mouthwash will disinfect germs and leave the toilet bowl sparkling and clean.

Clean computer monitor or TV screen. :unsure: Antiseptic mouthwash will work as well as or better than glass cleaner. Apply with a damp, soft cloth, and buff dry. (Do not use this on liquid crystal displays, as the alcohol can damage LCDs.)


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I bought some ground beef a couple of days ago and it was up 25% since the last time I bought some probably a couple of months ago.

Here's an article about food price inflation...


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Bumping this thread again …

Yesterday I was craving a BLT sandwich and went to the store to buy some bacon … forget it … the cheapest price now is $9.99 for a package of bacon … doesn’t matter what brand .. all holding steady at that ridiculous price.  I was just imagining if I did pay that price and then if I needed iceberg lettuce that would have been $3.00 for 1 head… and the tomatoes “on sale” were Roma @ $1.77 a lb.  So add all this up = $15.00 and I didn’t include the bread yet.  Add $6.00 easy for a small loaf of fresh Italian bread from their bakery dept = $21.00 for 1 sandwich … and this is without mayo. B-)   A bottle of Hellmann’s Olive Oil Mayo is not priced at $7.00 … so add that in … it would be $28.00 for a BLT sandwich. 😳

I notice a package of Chicken legs is still reasonable … only went up 10 cents from 2 weeks ago but Chicken breasts are now untouchable … and red meat is thru the roof.  Hamburger meat is still within reach … the package that has more fat 80% lean is about $5.80 for 1.25 lbs.  and the 85% lean or high is $8.50 for 1.25 lbs.

I walked down the frozen pizza section … pizza used to be a “cheap meal” .. not any more … varies from store brand @ $7.99 to popular brand @ $12.99 per box.😳   I might as well order at a real pizzeria.

I ended up getting American Cheese already sliced in the deli refrigerated section for $5.80 a package and bought the Roma tomatoes and made Grilled Cheese with Tomato for dinner.  I really wanted some Roast Beef but the deli was closed and the pre-sliced packages were too much @ $19.00 for a package.

Other than Bananas … all the fruits and most veggies are untouchable in this store.  A small seedless watermelon is now $8.00 and the larger ones are $12.00.   I’m amazed as I see other shoppers filling up their carts with expensive products and not batting an eyelash at the increase prices and smaller packaging.  At the check out they must be paying close to $800 or more easy.

I also noticed the one section of the store that used to be jammed packed with items and had that claustrophobic  feel with the narrow passage way … has been rearranged  … they moved the display cabinets around … spaced everything out … even put down new fake wood plank flooring overnight … you can literally skateboard and/or ride your bikes and do figure 8’s  in between each display cabinets … its that open.  I’m still trying to figure out “what disappeared”? :scratch:    The bakery dept is in the back but if you want their fresh bread you have to now walk a loooooong ways to where they display the bread now.  Perhaps this is their trick to not alarm the customer that their really is a famine coming by spacing and spreading items out? :unsure:

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