Again annexation and or vaccination rollouts reflect the dwindling sands of God's hourglass! Hoping for the earliest possible hour, while defaulting to God's timing and wisdom! Not feeling the 4th of Jul, but I'll take it! TR I feel the same since the annexation got delayed. But don’t get me wrong ... if the rapture happens tomorrow, I will be thrilled! :yes: I’m leaning we need to see the world close to proclaiming “peace and safety in the Middle East or no more masks” A few cashiers at the stores I was at today are down because the fireworks Show are cancelled because of the enforced social distancing. I also got a post card from the town clerk urging voters to sign up and request the Early Absentee Voter Ballot so we vote by mail. They don’t want to open their building for us germy peons. Those that don’t request the mail ballot ... they are seriously thinking of having drive by voting polls stationed outdoors in November :mdrmdr: Interesting that although we don't know the exact day, we should opt to mark the days we shall never see again! TR Check! Last summer here! Prayerfully, last day of our Gregorian calendar day as we move forward one more day .... last lunar eclipse, last solar eclipse, prayerfully last winter was the laser winter —- whoopie Next, what food is the last, grilled 4Th of July burgers, hot dogs, last potato salad, baked beans?? Still working on the last watermelon :prayer-hands: Hopefully it will be the last time I have to continually log in to get access to this site. How frequent is that by the way, and why is it required?! TR Trump is better than Biden any day of the week and he did move the Embassy back to Jerusalem. Biden said 157 million people have died from gun violence in America and 121 million people have died from Corona virus? Ahhhhh Excuse Me?? If my Al Gore math is correct. That's 278 million people out of 328 million? There's no doubt Biden wont have any trouble explaining the rapture. : - ) God has Trump here for a reason. To quote Dr Mark Hitchcock There are 2 possible reasons the United States is not in the Bible. #1 We are either wiped out from a nuclear exchange or #2 We are absorbed into the European Union. Either way I think is our last July 4th too. This is our last President! Every time we post here at RITAN, may be our last time! Hmmm? TR This is my las I can still see you, Yohanan! TR Hopefully July will accommodate a permanent change of address! And if we are still awaiting Pentecost! Still in the Bridal season as well! TR
Pray earnestly the Father tells the Bridegroom to go get your Bride and bring her to the place prepared for her! What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, nor heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him :prayer-hands:
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